I woke this morning and listened to the rain on my window.'Sod it', I thought, 'I'll just go back to sleep'But then I remembered how much I had wanted to ride all week, when I hadn't had a chance. And I didn't want to make it my first whole week (excepting one week holiday) when I hadn't ridden since... well, since I started riding again, actually.So I got up & pottered around - walking the dog, having breakfast. Even dawn (such as it was) didn't bring an end to the rain.I hardened my resolve, and got on my bike, and rode.The cooling drizzle was gorgeous, and I listened to the swish of the tyres through the thin film of water.As I sat by Hollingworth Lake, watching the dog walkers, joggers and rowers, all with sorrowful expressions on their faces, I realised that I was the only person there who was smiling.That's what cycling can do.