I've stopped caring about what others will think of me.I asked one bloke in a suit if the seat next to him (nearest the window) was empty and he simply ignored me and carried on reading his paper which was open across the table infront of him (it was one of the 4 seater bits with a table in the middle). The two seats facing him were occupied.I asked again, being polite, he looked at me and ignored me.By now a few people had started looking over.Still being polite I asked him again. The response was "I heard you the first time." Nothing else.So I sat on the table on his paper.He didn't know what to do, his face got more and more red until he just got up and stormed off.I sat in the window seat.Two minutes later someone wandered through the carriage and asked if the seat next to me was free. I told them to help themselves to it."Is this your paper?""No, the person sitting there left it. Help yourself."[EDIT] One of these days someone is going to hit me. Until then I'll continue to have fun with them.