Hot cross buns always remind me of my Gran who died in 2000. She had eight kids and an unreasonable number of grandchildren any of whom might call in unannounced at any time of the day or night to be leant a sympathetic ear whilst being provided with endless cups of tea right up until near the end of her life. She cycled to mass every day until her late seventies and even when forbidden from cycling by the family after getting knocked off by a car would still cycle across town to visit them, hide her bike in a hedge round the corner, and claim she had come on the bus. Her fridge was always full of saved yoghurt pots full of jelly for the little ones and her cupboards always held tins of ground rice, coconut or jam tarts and chocolate misshapes from Rowntrees where she had been a shop steward for many years. She always made huge batches of hot cross buns, at least one for everyone in the family. Her whole house smelt of them and we all dropped in over Easter to pick up a few or would find aunties or cousins delivering them. There are some really good supermarket hot cross buns now but I can still smell my Gran's and they were the best.