The discontented are often poor fact checkers.
Criticism of the forum isn't allowedSince when?
This complaint is usually made by somebody who has difficulty understanding the difference between criticism and abuse.
Critiques of forum policy may be posted in Office Reception. Please do a search first to see if the subject has already been addressed. In the event you have a personal grievance, always send a PM instead. This makes it easier for us to communicate more fully, and goes a long way toward fostering a relaxed atmosphere. At the very least it will help you get a sympathetic hearing.
acf is cliquey*
I take pains to present as welcoming an environment as possible to newcomers who might be intimidated by established relationships which can appear so large in a forum so small.
People who disagree with me get bannedacf is an open book, heavily annotated. Those who can't be bothered to read it are likely to run into trouble, though I am willing to readmit most anybody provided we can establish a satisfactory dialog.
We have secret boardsNot a very well kept secret then. Anyone who looks at it this way needs to get out more; members-only accessible areas are fairly common.
acf is a cultWith isotonic Kool-Aid no doubt.
Once upon a time there was a forum run by a
large corporation as part of the web presence of a cycling magazine it published.
Along came another, run by an individual. Lacking a corporate charter, I unashamedly drew from my personality, worldview, and philosophy of running a forum for the blueprints. Anyone who liked acf came. Anyone who didn't stayed away, or registered then left if its evolution didn't suit. In short, it's
my gift to anyone who wants it, knows how to use it, sees the potential in it, and can operate both their heart and their head to appreciate it.
* on edit much later:
Cycling forums seem particularly enabling of cliquishness, and acf was no exception, try as I might to keep it to a minimum. Unfortunately I was later kicked to death by the very people I had been defending.