Author Topic: Do we make a difference?


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Do we make a difference?
« on: May 11, 2006 »
yes. Cyclists bring something different to the daily routine of cities. We challenge the hegemony of the car. We ensure that the streets are not dead zones. We bring a different scale and a different conviviality to streets. We'd be missed even by those who do their best to despise us, or feel threatened by us.

Absolutely cyclists make a difference.  Take the extreme, a country like China.  If all the cyclists there started driving tomorrow, they would use most of the oil in the world.

All over the world, cycling helps to reduce traffic.

You also make a difference, because by being there, you encourage others to do the same.

As I've said a couple of times before - when BikeWeek comes around, instead of having a Bike2Work day for all those who normally drive, we oughta have a Drive2Work day for all those who normally cycle/use public transport.  This would have much more affect in showing people what the roads are going to end up like in a few years time if people don't start exploring alternatives to the car....

Maybe there should be a no cycling day, kind of the opposite to critial mass, just to prove the point!

I like seeing cyclists on my way to and from work - just seeing them makes me happy even though I can't cycle commute myself.  I like seeing the increasing numbers and showing those tailgating me how overtaking should be done....   ;D