Today, I discovered proof that the pleasure/pain principle really exists.Pleasure: -- find a £10 note in the little pocket of a pair of cycling tights I haven't worn in months. Prevent Mr Mac from immediately claiming it for a train fare.-- cycle into work for first time this week, and it's not raining/windy/freezing-- wear brand new long socks under three quarter tights for pleasing aesthetic effectPain:-- Forget once again to reseat rear tyre before leaving house, something which should have been done weeks ago. Suffer inevitable deflation on way into work-- Get passed by WHSmith News van whose appointment is clearly more pressing than the life and limb of a fellow road user (though I did manage to have a polite word with him further down the road)-- Discover when I get to my desk that the fruity smell I noticed earlier in my rucksack was in fact two forgotten plums, which had been crushed to a pulpy mess in the front pocket So, tell me: is all of that worth a tenner?