Since the weather is pretty ghastly at present, I decided to stay indoors and examine the phone book sized pile of info that came with the Ribble (who may get called "Barney"). I didn't realise modern bike bits require such attention! Accordingly, I read through the Generelle Sikkerhedsopplysninger, and have done the Nedre Justering, sorted the problem with the Pyora saattaa kaatua, and am about to adjust the vaxlingsprestanda using an appropriately shaped spanner, to a tightness of exactly 120-150 kgf-cm (which I think is a bit more than "Snug", and a bit less than "Broken"). If there's time later, I may pop out to the garage and see if I can lay my hands on a Grootste Versnellingstandwiel, although I'm pretty sure I sent it to be sharpened. Anyone got a Polkupyorakauppiaaseen I can have until Thursday??