This curious artifact, also referenced in transcripts, has been saved as a reminder of how weird things can get on a forum. Here I found myself in all seriousness addressing somebody named Chuffy concerning his freedom to poke me with a stick in his sig.
Rereading this years later, I have to confess amusement at my reaction at the time. It would have been better to ignore him. (At least he chose something subjective. Like, you know, dickishness.) On the other hand, I think that people like him would have wrecked the forum. Indeed, people like him, albeit more patient to show their disdain, later did.
unconfirmed sightingChuffy is no longer permitted to post on acf because "he's back, but he's still not funny." Probably only the two of us know what that means, so I'll explain.
Several years ago I was a C+F regular and a monthly contributor to the mag. When the column was dropped (the publisher wasn't fond of it – maybe he didn't think it was funny, either) I went on sabbatical, returning to write features. Shortly thereafter the seven word critique, today reprinted in the acf sig line of this erstwhile member, appeared, launching a response. So much for our shared history.
If you had slaved over a forum for months, doing your best to create a safe haven and welcoming environment for all comers, wouldn't you like to feel that it was also a place where you yourself could relax? Don't you think that would be a fair perk of the job?
My big confession? I'm only human. It's not about vanity. It's about basic courtesy. It doesn't matter that nobody, until now, could possibly know what that sig line signified. For me it was proof that he only regards the past as a storage facility for weapons, and would in all likelihood contribute to my angina in future. I don't deserve that.
It's a shame. If he had been content to contribute to the forum as he did today, he could have flown under my radar forevermore. Due to his behaviour his mates here won't be able to interact with him on acf, but must go to wherever he roams.
I would ask that you respect my feelings on this and not question me about it here. acf may be 'mine', but I am accountable to you all. If any of you wish to contact me in private, I do answer my emails.
I don't normally post this way about individual cases, but the particular circumstances deemed it necessary.