Posted on the Society Culture & Politics board
I think SC&P deserves its own meta thread. That is, a thread in which it can examine itself. Preferably a monster thread which will go on long after I'm pixel dust.*
Call it a waste of time, call it navel-gazing (but not naval-gazing unless you're a shipspotter), call it
Been there, done that,
call it anything you like: the fact that some people come to this board to post, while others might like to but
would rather not** because it has a certain reputation, is worthy of study. If you agree, let's have a fresh look at this sunken terrain. If not, feel free to join in despite yourself to blast away in the best tradition of SC&P as you understand it. Or ignore. You know how to ignore, don't you?

The plan is to examine posting styles to see what they do to the atmosphere; to review posts for signs of empathy and entropy; and as always, to keep an eye on the funny.
Castigat ridendo mores
Is Greece going to be in or out of the Euro in ten days?:
GaryA can't see the wood for the wood he got over seeing someone 'take on' the EU...
He's got a full set of Yanis Varoufakis speeches to watch tonight.
Whereas you'll be spaffing one out over a piccie of Angela Merkel...
The political leanings of those quoted don't matter. The question is, do they give good wit?
• zimzum42: Yes. The woodplay works.
• GilesM: Also yes, mostly because understanding his comment requires knowing who Yanis Varoufakis is, which granted, anyone reading this far into the thread should by now, but you never know. (I didn't know. The Peloponnesian War is still breaking news to me.) Increasing the knowledge base of your readers lifts all boats.
• Regulator: No. While crudity can be hilarious (some people are still chuckling over Cameron Diaz's hair gel in There's Something About Mary; not I, but some), there is no wit here, merely an attempt at a humourous riff mis-shot into the face of the German Chancellor.
zimum42 again:
"Looks like Gary's opened a new box of Kleenex and a Max Kaiser DVD box set."The law of diminishing returns has kicked in now thanks to the influence of the previous quote. Should've stopped at the woods.
I will also be starting a glossary.
To begin this new thread, I would like to examine the phenomonon of
TMNing. While this is hardly exclusive to SC&P, this is a good place to set up a forensics lab. Any expert witnesses care to shed light on the practice?

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam
"I will either find a way or make one."
GLOSSARYa work in progressFark. The forum software prefers this to Frak, which is a sadness for fans of
BSG.Ignore, put someone on. Blocking another user's posts. Can theoretically be done quietly, but a bug in the software often necessitates an announcement before it can take effect. "Why Should I waste my beautiful mind?"
Emoticon. Used in place of words, to augment them, or popularly as a way to avoid giving offence. Or as Wikipedia puts it, a "pictorial representation of a facial expression that, in the absence of body language and prosody, serves to draw a receiver's attention to the tenor or temper of a sender's nominal non-verbal communication, changing and improving its interpretation." As with every other form of communication except perhaps flag semaphore, can not only be used in a straight-forward fashion (

= lots of things, none of them bad;

= sad), but also ambiguously (

= whatever mood you're in when you see it), or even passive aggressively (take your pick).
Like. At its most straightforward, this is used to show your agreement with a post, approval of a poster, or as a gesture of goodwill. May also be deployed as a joke, in a scattershot approach to win friends and confuse enemies, as a subtle method of contributing to a discussion without posting, and other ways; there is doubtless a vast scattered literature on the subject.
TMN. CC member and verb: to TMN someone is to more or less repeat what they've said without attribution. See post #11, which links to
a post with other coinages not currently in common usage. There's a mild example of TMNing
here /
here.Once upon a time an entire forum was TMN'd.
Wibble. Time-honoured funtime word for insanity, like cuckoo. Shorthand for "mad as a box of frogs." Standard character assassination, with (ironically) no reasoning behind this diagnosis necessary. Can also be mere thread derailing filler. Often posted in the form of a graphic device easily plucked from the web, which is replete with images to suit every occasion. Acceptable in
playful banter between familiars provided you don't really mean it and assuming you really are familiars. Less commonly a form of self-deprecation – "my little brain can't handle [whatever you're saying]"; context is key. True mental instability is only acceptable in royalty and relatives.
*Which I became, in a way: I was banned from SC&P.**Standard advice before wading into a board is to see how the Romans do it, and follow suit. That way robs many CC citizens of an opportunity of debate wherever it may start, even while it drains SC&P of new blood before it even gets here.