Author Topic: Cateye EL530


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Cateye EL530
« on: October 08, 2007 »
Oh dear. 

It's a Friday, and I've just reclaimed some travel expenses following two days of speaking at a conference. 

I could just go out and buy the EL-610 now, seeking to ignore the fact that the tenners in my pocket did in fact come out of our household budget when I bought the train tickets. 

The way this money just magically appears in my pocket gives me an extraordinary feeling of freedom.  It's far nicer than going to the cashpoint and taking your own tired, care-worn and (to put it bluntly) borrowed banknotes out of the hole in the wall.  These banknotes feel as though they're absolved of all responsibility or, despite their grubbiness, as though they've just crystallised out of the ether and have no history and no planned future.

I should be sensible and use this money for tomorrow's violin lesson, a present for a 10 year old's birthday, food for the weekend, toothpaste etc.

More anon.