Author Topic: Darwin Award Award


Darwin Award Award
« on: August 05, 2010 »
or, the Certificate of Merit for Worm Feeders, inspired by discussions last year of 'iPod zombies' in newspapers. Darwin was really into worms, you know.

At the forum for the Institute for Occupational Health and Safety I read

As for Boris, if he doesn't want to wear a cycle helmet then that is fine by me, he can take the consequences. Darwinism rules for me!!!

which has prompted me to revisit the topic. The commenter refers to the London mayor, whose new bike rental scheme is a fabulous boost for city cycling - all the more so, in my opinion, for introducing more helmetless heads to the streets. Which is perhaps a bad way of putting it.

It's a little perverse that those who purport to have the 'ealth and safety of others in mind can seem almost gleeful at the prospect of our extinction if we don't take their advice.


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Re: Darwin Award Award
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2010 »
Sadly the much trumpeted cycle hire scheme in Bristol "Cycling City" closed down earlier this summer.


Re: Darwin Award Award
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2010 »
Too few bikes? Too little funding? Too many hills?