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Posted by: Trinity
« on: October 03, 2019 »

On Brexit I have no opinion. I try to stay neutral on these things.

It's The Donald who brings me here to mingle with you apes. (No offence, it's a term of affection. I'll admit I picked it up from Lucifer back in the day.) The latest POTUS has that effect. I would smite him, but I'm having too much fun. You know, the sort of fun only a testy old God would consider cosmically amusing: epic floods, plagues, war. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" – who do you think came up with that?

Smiting happens to be one of my superpowers, for I am the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost: They/Them/Us in New Testament pronouns.

As to the main Democratic challengers so far, all are knocking on heaven's door. Lord knows I'm not ageist, but come on. You need some younger blood in this particular game. Anyway.

We've got those hats available in the gift shop. Who says heaven is boring? Thomas More came in the other day, chatting with Erasmus about utopias. He couldn't resist buying one. Tips it for the ladies, sometimes along with his head. The rascal.

He buys lottery tickets too
Posted by: Donald Jehoshaphat Trump
« on: October 02, 2019 »

Mark Twain was a great American. I've read all his books, even the one with all the bad words, before the liberals banned it. What they don't realize is you can't erase history, you can only repeat it until you get it right, and learn from it.

I learned plenty, such as the fact that Tom Sawyer was the smartest kid in town. His aunt Polly Cracker told him to build a fence. Because fences make good neighbors. Another great American, Robert Frost, even wrote a poem about it. All this stuff is in my first book, everything that influenced me and made me what I am today.

I’m glad to hear you voted for me, like all Americans who want to make America great again. There’s a hat in the mail for you. You’re doing good work over there, Mr. Ambassador.

You may have heard – I don’t know what the news is like, how much of the truth you’re allowed to see on the BBC – but you may have heard that congress is trying to impeach me. Pelosi and the others. Never happen. They’ll huff and they’ll puff and they can blow me all they want. [Pause for laughter and applause]

The economy is going great guns. God Bless The United States of America is still the best and most envied country in the world, even better now. I’ll still be standing next year. The presidential debates – BRING IT ON. Uncle Joe, Grandpa Bernie, or Pocahontas, no contest. None.

If any of those losers wins, which is literally an impossibility, but if they do, I’ll leave a present in the oval office desk drawer. An autographed copy of my bestseller Surviving at the Top, which I continue to do despite the fake news media. None of those "reporters" would have jobs without me, so don’t say I’m not a jobs creator.

People say I should get off Twitter. Even Melania, she begs me “@realDonald, put that phone down and grab me like you used to !” But I am a man of the people and there will be time for grabbing later.
Posted by: Breaking Away
« on: October 01, 2019 »

Brexit has chaos theory written all over it. While some of the principal players and systems may be predictable with a degree of confidence better than a coin toss, anyone who professes to know the myriad of consequences on society as a result of whatever exit the UK manages to make is an expert only in crystal balls.
- Dr. Ian Malcolm, well known expert

I’ve namechanged for this, otherwise it might be too outing.

• I voted Brexit.

No, this isn't another Pumped for Trump bait-and-switch. I do swear and solemnly affirm the above bullet point.

I'm not a Tory. Nor do I automatically support Labour, or any of the other parties. I simply don’t belong to a political party, and never shall. I believe the UK took a vote, and it should be honoured; what’s more, I’m glad that mad bad Boris is trying to make it happen, for whatever reason, including democracy.

Parliament has been worse than useless. I’m sorry they were apparently unlawfully prorogued, but that’s a better fate than I would have meted out, which would be to set them on a barge for a Viking funeral. They’d be free to jump off, but I doubt they could reach a consensus.

You could of course take the view that they’ve been a useful roadblock. I might be looking at it that way too, were I a remainer appalled at the outcome of an advisory referendum.

Mark Twain wrote: "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." Duly noted and appreciated.

Nasties backed leave, and nasties backed remain. Bedfellows don't matter. I had my own reasons for ticking that box – as did everyone else for choosing as they did – and it wasn’t on the side of a bus, or implanted into my head by [pick a villain]. Nobody should be ashamed about exercising their right to vote.

It is worrying and ridiculous that so many people seem unable to discuss Brexit, at least online, without spitting bile and splitting into tribes camped in echo chambers (one of those phrases now groaning with overuse, but no less applicable for that). Even making this available for theoretical public consumption gave me pause.

Well, it's done. If we exit without a deal or a bad one and the world comes crashing down, you know where to find me. I'll be here at my little printing press, perhaps quoting the prince of the humanists: "No Man is wise at all Times, or is without his blind Side."

What Corbyn Got Wrong About Brexit
This debacle has important lessons for the left everywhere. In an era where traditional left and social-democratic parties have dramatically weakened ties with their erstwhile working-class bases, they will very rarely, if ever, get to decide the terms on which people revolt against the neoliberal order, precisely because they are not leading the people. The people are, in fact, out in front of them. If the left then reacts in horror, and recoils from the people and the prospect of fundamental change, the leadership of anti-establishment revolts will fall, merely by default, to the right.