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Topic Summary

Posted by: Pale Rider
« on: July 25, 2021 »

In honour of mudsticks

we shall be double spacing.

Today is the first time I've given much thought to her username.

I've always assumed the choice had to do with the fact that she honestly toils in the fields which feed us all,

rather than the rhetorical truism.

Perhaps it's both.

VAWAG will this make a difference.

Violence Against Women And Girls. There's a link to a Guardian story about street harassment possibly being made illegal.

(I'm surprised it wasn't already.)

Opening salvo:

Just about every thread on here that talks about violence against women and girls gets shut down by some variation of

"Not all men"


First reply:

Quote from: Drago
Myra Hindley.

Countess Bathory.

Dorothea Puente.

All female serial killers.

Its a violence problem, not a gender/sex/arrangement of genitalia problem.

This is graphically evidence by the simple fact that you're far more likely ro be a victim of violent crime if you are male, yet most male victims don't assign specious claims about gender politcs to the argument.

Discussions such as this are a diversion from the real issues, and serve only to delay the day when the problem with the culture of violence will be properly addressed. Fiddle with your worry beads all you want, because Rome will continue to burn while you do...

Actually that post was disappeared by a moderator, along with about 50 others deemed off topic.

Few will cry they were put on the chopping board.

Here's another recent post from Drago, from a thread about unisex toilets:

The problem is one of bad behavior, not one of a persons personal genitalia arrangement.

Search for genitalia and ye shall also find:

Quote from: Drago
Next time your neighbour gets caught speeding the court can slap the points on your licence just hecause you have the same type of genitalia. Lets just hope that you don't live next door to Myra Hindley, Beverley Allit or Rose West, because they're terrible drivers.

Jokey but one begins to sense a sore point.

Back to this thread and more rescued scraps.

Quote from: AuroraSaab
You missed off Rose West, Eileen Wornos, and Joanna Dennehy. Let's face it though, if you have to go back 500 years to medieval Hungary I think it's fair to say that female serial killers are not that common…

Quote from: Bromptonaut
Almost as though the post was intended to be mischievous/diverting.

Quote from: Pale Rider (no relation)
Your first post in this thread was a snipe at @Drago, your second was a snipe at me.

Nothing on topic, just snipes, so that's two attempts to divert the thread made by you before it was a page old.

Oh this made me laugh

Quote from: Pale Rider
As a matter of forum etiquette, snipes shouldn't be carried across from one thread to another.

Do go on about forum etiquette. Some of us come for just this sort of entertainment.

To snipe is to make a sly or petty verbal attack.

It's also a drumming display flight of the snipe itself. There's a lot of that going around.

Quote from: Pale Rider, still addressing Bromptonaut
You are not alone in [trying to appear on message whenever this type of topic comes up], but what surprises me the most is some women appear to fall for it.

Quote from: mudsticks
Quote from: Rusty Nails
…If someone is constantly trying hard to appear 'on message" as a signal of virtue, that can quite bad as someone constantly trying hard to be constantly 'off message' as if that is a virtuous strength in itself.

Do you think this happens so much really ??

- Don't we have to accept what people on the internet say at face value.?

Leaving aside misunderstood 'jokes' of course.

If a somebody says a something - i think we have to accept that's actually what they mean, and think, in the main.

Otherwise we'd drive ourselves nuts with paranoia, second guessing every statement made.

(As birds were mentioned, I figured we needed at least one nested quote.)

If you want to drive yourself nuts, carry on in this corner of the forum.

You make reliably good points though.

As for the scorecard at the bottom of posts,

Is that noise really necessary?