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Posted by: Ambrose Bierce
« on: June 24, 2022 »

Never mind WOMAN, define TOXIC. Veronica Ivy, India Willoughby, Joss Prior, and Owen Jones would be good places to start.
Posted by: Ernestine
« on: April 17, 2022 »

I fear a relapse into arguing that women are defined by their biology beyond the swimming pool or the cycling track or the locker room.

What has been happening under the gender is bigger than sex ideology banner is just as bad a logical error. 'Woman' has been painted largely as a representation of cultural norms - the very ones I grew up convinced were little more than social prejudices.

However, as with any reactionary* step, I do worry what comes after...

I would much rather see a movement of glorious diversity where gender is of complete irrelevance. I don't think we're quite there yet.

* in the literal sense
Posted by: XY
« on: April 15, 2022 »

Quote from: nosferatu1001
Define "biological woman".

Nosy should stop by Mumsnet, though the sunlight there might prove deadly.

Quote from: lovelyweathertoday
I fear a relapse into arguing that women are defined by their biology beyond the swimming pool or the cycling track or the locker room.

There's probably a name for this logic error.

Woman is a biological category, so the definition and practical reality of women comes from biology.

Defining women by biology means women get to compete fairly in sports events that are for women. Or get given the correct healthcare etc.

This is considering a person's sex when it is relevant.

This is not remotely the same as sexist limiting women's options in life, which is where the phrase "I won't be defined by my biology" comes from. In that case the person's sex is being considered when it is completely irrelevant. 

It never occurred to women that this phrase would be used against them as it never occurred to women that everyone would lose their minds and pretend they don't know what a woman is.