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Posted by: Pale Rider
« on: April 28, 2022 »

Post of the day

Quote from: Dogtrousers
While we're getting all philosophical about titanium, I’ll tell you my objection to it. But I have to warn you it is a bit stupid.

I object to the Kroll process for refining titanium. I think it's cruel.

With iron smelting you take the iron oxide in the ore and you steal its oxygen by sending in carbon monoxide. The oxygen is happier in a CO2 threesome with the carbon, and the iron goes off to make crystals with its mates - it was never that committed to the relationship with oxygen anyway. Titanium, on the other hand, really loves oxygen. Titanium oxide is a really happy marriage. So in the Kroll process we send in some floozie chlorine to turn the titanium's head and seduce it away. Pretty soon the titanium realises that this was a bad idea, but the chlorine has its hooks into it and it becomes a liquid, for god's sake. By now poor titanium is bitterly regretting its impulsiveness and dreaming of its former happy life with oxygen, rather than this false chlorine harpy. But that's not the end of it. Now we send in some magnesium pimps to whip the chlorine doxies away and poor heartbroken titanium is left on its lonesome with nothing but memories of its happy home life with its oxygen partner.

It's just cruel.

I nearly wiped a tear from my eye.