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Far from the what crowd? Hint: Thomas Hardy. 1 word, beginning with 'm'. Spelling is important:
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Topic Summary

Posted by: sam
« on: January 01, 2024 »

Forum [4-um] noun Anything that identifies as a forum.

NACF is a meta joke gone less than viral. It is, nevertheless, a fully functioning 'forum' insofar as the software works just fine, and has done for the past dozen years. If you're reading this it means you've managed to outfox the algorithms that govern your existence, perhaps with the assistance of a wayfinder. Welcome.

I have good news and bad news. The bad news can wait until after an instructional video. The good news is, if you have anything interesting to say, I'm willing to risk upsetting the delicate eocosystem of this site.

You may ask about rules. Very well: no shoes in the house. Please don't litter. This last one is very important: if you have a cough, wear a mask if you need to go to the doctor's office. I'll let you know if I come up with any others.

This is me (when I had less hair):

In the toilets again

I'm a blogger. We're an endangered species.
Quote from: John Holbo
It’s a form of discipline that complements yet more ambitious writing projects. It lubricates whereas Twitter too often dissipates.

Time for the bad news. I'm listed in Who's Who with an entry only slightly better than Kissinger's, having been a dictator before ending up captain of the Titanic. Happy to do an AMA.

click or skip
In short: once upon a time I steered the ship into an iceberg.

Glasses half empty in the dining room

After the sinking of the good ship ACF I joined most of the rest of you in steerage as a regular member of CycleChat, YACF, and other forums, subject to the whims of moderators.

Basically, I've been around the block a few times, then tunneled underneath it to emerge on the set of The Truman Show. But let us not sink further into tragically mixed metaphor.

This can be spun as a redemption story.

Who knows how long you'll be. Here's some hold music:

Quote from: YouTube comment
A moment of silence for those who vaguely remember this song and cannot find it