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Posted by: Pale Rider
« on: July 18, 2021 »

The great cyclechat unisex loo debate.

Quote from: MontyVeda
Anyone else any experience of unisex loos?

Don't say it don't say it don't say it don't say it

Quote from: marzjennings
Last time I checked all the loo's at home were unisex, used by all and everyone... It's a non issue

Say it say it say it say it

Quote from: AuroraSaab
And is your family bathroom available for any member of the public to use?


Quote from: Drago
The problem is one of bad behavior, not one of a persons personal genitalia arrangement.

The problem is that men don't belong in women's spaces.

I'm not saying that those agitating for unfettered access are like Hitler (speaking of genital arrangement), but they do tend to have boundary issues.

Quote from: Unkraut
It's WC gawn mad.

Unkraut wins the thread.