Author Topic: D-Day


« on: May 23, 2012 »
Yesterday was a vitamin D day, so my wife and I headed out on our bikes to mainline it to help avoid osteoporosis when we arrive at our dotage. We chose the area around Barcombe in East Sussex.

To begin our ride we had to take a train to Lewes, Dr Beeching having put paid to the Barcombe station(s!) some years ago. Conversational snatch overheard in a Yorkshire accent: "The Chinese are going to open a Mexican restaurant?" Or maybe it was the other way around.

Lewes is nice if you like traffic hemmed in by ancient streets. It's a popular staging area for Tour-bound cyclists, or seemed to be as I honked my wife's sit-up-and-bed roadster up High Street hill to spare her knees (it's part of the For Better or for Worse contract) and was passed by a peloton.

After sourcing lunch we escaped into the countryside, hoping to visit a few churches.

Apparently the Alpha • Dot security system isn't enough to dissuade those who have an interest in religious memorabilia.

We got lucky at St Mary the Virgin. I laid a horse blanket over my wife's steed

and we went inside to bathe in the glow of Charles Eamer Kempe's stained glass. It's not known for its vitamin-enhancing qualities so we were forced to flee. I'm still not sure what the conker room was all about, but it must be spider-free.

We shared the train home with a small horse.