Allo Chompers me old mate!
Fanks fer invitin me ter this forum - my P.A. finks it is very interestin too an she as even dug out sum old bike fings. She did a lot ov cyclerin befor she got back inter the wheely boards but now she as a dorky bike.
Yer questions are very innerestin, an I will do em one by one.
How can I bunny hop when I can’t hold on to the board? It seems like a move invented by a human.
I do not do the bunny hops wiv the board. I do the body varials an the flyin leaps on ter the board. Humans like ter invent complicatered stuff like that but anyfing like a grab is not my bag really.
Which do you think is more difficult, skating or surfing?
I ain't never dun any surfin, but I fink surfin is deffo more difficult becos ov the big water. Hazel-rah's mates could do the surfin but only on the inland waterways innit.
Would it be wrong to buy tickets to this show? They know the risks.

I am not scared ov big bangs or ov the art world, but my research assistant as bin tryin ter get me travel insurance ter get ter Italy fer ages now wivout much joy. Yer av ter fink about the risk ov needin a vet in the middle ov a road trip an all.
Most people watched this video and said Awwww, but shouldn't it have been a teachable moment? After all, if you help a bunny out of a jam, he's free for a day, but if you put him on a skateboard, he'll never be in that jam again.
That video shows that the rab in question wos innerested in the board innit! Praps the rab'll come back after finkin about it a bit. It is probly better ter start wiv a roll on the flatground.
Finally, welcome to spring. TMI alert: I tend to get a little cavalier with my litter training this time of the year – I just can't help myself! If you keep it under control, how do you manage? I'm thinking biofeedback might be an option.
The one time I peed on my research assistant she larfed er ead off an I ain't doin that again in a hurry. I don't
always do the pooin in me tray but she as a way of askin wiv tones an rhyvvems in er voice an also she will stick me in a basket fer a bit if she finds me spreadin it about all over - I dunno if that is bio-feedback or wot. I can actcherly do the business in the toilet wiv a basket in it but I av ter be incentervised fer that. Anyhow I mite deal wiv that subjec annuvver time.
I see you av already bin down Souf Bank which is nice. I ope yer don't mind me askin but where did yer get that deck? It as got no concave, if yer kno wot I mean.