Know then thyself, presume not God to scan
The proper study of Mankind is Man.
Placed on this isthmus of a middle state,
A Being darkly wise, and rudely greatwrote Alexander Pope in heroic couplet a nearly incalculable number of generations before I was born, for as you can see, I am Leporidae, and our family crest is two rabbits getting it on,
De duobus, multis. To know me is to love me, or so claim my housemates. Which is nice of them.
Deep self-reflection isn’t one of my recorded behaviours,

but researchers don’t really have a clue what I’m thinking about when I’m sitting in my favourite chair

staring at my other favourite chair.

Hint: I’m not pondering Chomsky’s theory of universal grammar (ug). Chances are I fancy a bite.
(Drone footage needs trimming or at least captions! - Ed.)If you had a digestive system like mine, you'd be peckish most of the time, too.
Speaking of language, I do have one, and it’s not Lapine, Watership Down being a work of fiction thank Frith, as that's some
dark reading. Mostly we're talking body language, with my ears doing the heavy lifting. I also
mm-mm-mm. This has been translated variously as “Here I am!”, “I’m happy!”, “Feed me again!” and “What’s going on and why wasn’t I informed?”—or, as one of my favourite movie stars put it, “What’s up, Doc?”

They're all right answers, as far as they go. We rabbits have so much more on our minds, and await a Trekian universal translator for more than small