Author Topic: mm-mm-mm

Re: mm-mm-mm
« Reply #40 on: April 03, 2021 »
Dear Humbug,

I'm enjoying your immediate and direct angle on life. As you hum along I fully (if precariously) experience the hay, the fun-times, the moods, the teases. You're alive!

Cyclists and rabbits share a gripe faced with untrained dogs and their ignorant owners. I can appreciate the thoughts of an ecologically aware vegan companion animal like you, and I empathise, but it's not the dogs' fault when these things happen. Yes, perhaps there are too many dogs in the city but I think it's the cars we need to eliminate as a priority.

I guess that your assistant has plans to make all kinds of gadgets from other people's junk. I can vouch for the benefits of such labours of love - it's a fine way to get a bike on a budget with some basic skills. Do you know what she has in mind? I imagine it would be a challenge to get to the vet by skateboard, and wonder if you've tried any other green alternatives? A customised bike trailer maybe?

Hoot given*
« Reply #41 on: April 03, 2021 »
Hi there R.B. It’s nice to see the joint hoppin’.

5. Interlectcheral stuff
This is a speshial kind ov stuff wot is not like a solid fing but is an abstrac creation ov the brain. It is confusin becos books are like solid fings but believe it or not they also av this kind ov stuff. Obversly the internet is full ov this stuff but sum ov it is crap an sum ov it is valerbal stuff. Fink ov this like a magical mistery garden - the quicker yer pick up the stuff the more ov it there will be.

This recent picture of a trip to the tip comes to mind. Every few months they bring home a new bale of hay. Only a fraction of it passes inspection. The rest, well...

An American commercial from what to me are prehistoric times has come to my attention. It’s a little hard to watch, because I have an instinctive fear of owls and people who dress as owls. It doesn’t help that over there a bird isn’t slang for a woman, so viewed here, its value as a public service announcement is somewhat compromised for those with a dirty mind.

*Sounds like a conclave of Scandinavian folk


  • London's hard-boiled black'n'white sweetie
Re: mm-mm-mm
« Reply #42 on: April 03, 2021 »
Allo R.B! Allo Chompsky! This is nice. Av you two met before?

Cor blimey I dunno wot ter answer first now so I'll av ter mix it up a bit.

Actcherly I don't like cars, but I like em better than dogs. I fink I wos very restrained on the subjec really, considerin. Owls is a bit ov a mistery fer the urban rab but I fink I av found one that looks nice, an I will get a video ov it in a minute ter see wot you fink. I do like a bicycle in the hall actcherly, becos ter get underneaf it like a hidey-hole gives me sum privacy. Owever I fink a bike trailer fer a rab is not gonna work in London becos ov A) fumes B) bumps C) drivers an D) lack ov eye contact wiv the cyclerist. Anyway, movin on...

Fer local transport I av got a bunny buggy, wot is a bit crap really, but the main problem is yer average vet wot knos sod-all about the lagomorphic metabolokism. We av stopped goin ter the local vet an we av ter go ter the nice vet wot is far away. Now I will get on me obby orse -

The best way ter improve the inviroment is clearly rabbitual educashun fer the vets. Then more peeps can av rabs instead ov dogs an we can av more veganism an less drivin.

More better hay is number two on me ecological list! We are gettin hay off the internet now, so I spose I av got a carbon footprint really - my bad. It is organic Timoffy hay an well nice so I don't wanna eat any uvver hay. Uvver hay may look green an tasty but this stalky hay is the real good stuff. I fink it is a similar fing fer peeps when they buy veg an it all looks pretty in the shop but it is grown wiv the underlyin chemicals.

Thats enuff ov me pontifercatin innit. Now let's av a nice video ov the herbidaceous Sage. I fink it is an innocent tale wiv no double entenders but I must warn yer it as a dog in it an it is riddled wiv dodgy histeriorical anachronisms.

Re: mm-mm-mm
« Reply #43 on: April 06, 2021 »
Av you two met before?

We av stopped goin ter the local vet an we av ter go ter the nice vet wot is far away.

My GP isn't too bad, but I wouldn't call him 100% rabbit savvy. Could you PM me with details about yours?

I do like a bicycle in the hall actcherly, becos ter get underneaf it like a hidey-hole gives me sum privacy.

There’s a bike in our warren, too. It’s kept out of reach, my reassurance that I’m not interested in sampling the tyres having fallen on deaf ears.

Thanks for introducing me to our stop motion vegetal cousins. I've always wondered what they have on their minds.


  • London's hard-boiled black'n'white sweetie
Re: mm-mm-mm
« Reply #44 on: April 07, 2021 »

Now we av the low-down ov R.B. an ov yer out-ov-bounds bike Chompsky I av got the research assistant ter take a photergraph ov her bikes an all. In the front we av a dorky bike an in the back we av the good bike wot never gets ter go out these days. Apparently it as got very nice lugs, but this is not the same kind ov fing as my nice lugs... wotever. Wot is more important is that it as got two comfy mats underneaf it becos we av got gappy floors wiv the wind comin up em.

I am not goin ter chew anyfing on these bikes becos skate shoes is much better fer chewin innit.

I will let yer kno about my health practitioner in a minute!

Re: mm-mm-mm
« Reply #45 on: April 08, 2021 »
Do you leave all those books alone? They look so delicious!

Paging Humbug: your picture is missing. There were books when I logged in this morning. Bikes, too.


  • London's hard-boiled black'n'white sweetie
Re: mm-mm-mm
« Reply #46 on: April 08, 2021 »
I did not eat the books! Honest! Well actcherly I mite av chewed a bit ov Spike Milligan. I try digestin readin matter when I av got a bit ov a gripe.

Anyway I fink the pictcher is back now but I won't be surprised if it doubles itself becos we av posted 2 links fer the price 1. Praps this disappearin lark is the hidden cost ov free the pictcher hostin.

All the world's a bookshelf
« Reply #47 on: April 10, 2021 »
"I thought I'd begin by reading a poem by Shakespeare, but then I thought, why should I? He never reads any of mine." – Spike

Edifying nonetheless


  • London's hard-boiled black'n'white sweetie
Re: mm-mm-mm
« Reply #48 on: April 10, 2021 »
Eh Chompsky, I fink Spike liked rabs more than Shakespeare innit.

I see you av got sum Iain Sinclair. The P.A. as just started ter read 'Lights Out fer the Territory'. She almost didn't becos it starts off a bit wordylicious, but after a bit he stopped tryin so ard an it perks up. Familiar bits ov London - but nostalgia land now.

« Reply #49 on: April 11, 2021 »
That's his book London Orbital. Your mention of Lights Out fer the Territory prompted me to have a look in the loft, where it remains buried in overstock.

I don't know Milligan well, but I keep bumping into him.

His poem is spot on:
A baby rabbit
With eyes full of pus
This is the work
Of scientific us