I have prepared this brief guide on etiquette when riding with others.
It isn't necessary to point out potholes unless they're shaped like something interestingDo you think Neil Armstrong pointed out all the craters to Buzz Adrin?
"Car up!" or "Car down!"? NeitherJudging by how often I hear it explained, this shout is instinctively confusing.
Avoid rubbernecking puncture repairsI know, it's very hard not to. Bear in mind that some people have a shy bladder. Better to break into discussion groups about non-topical current events.
Volunteer to be a waymarker – don't wait to be draftedConscientious objectors must report for pothole repair duty after the ride.
Voted most likely to draft selfDon't speed aheadUnless you're feeling speedy, and are confident of the route. Speaking from experience, it's a good way to get drafted for waymarker duty.