A plan that paid off, I hope. Isn't George Winston wonderful? Been listening to him since Windham Hill was still around, brought a lot of soothing moments after a duress filled ride home on the E Train. Was saddened to learn of his death a few years back.
Funny you should mention the clarinet. While not the sexiest of the reeds (saxophone has to get that one) I've always thought it was a lovely and quite versatile instrument. In my only passing encounter with Woody Allen at Michael's Pub, I made a point to avoid saying anything about his movies and instead told him I admired his clarinet playing. He seemed genuinely pleased. I might try to take that up in my old age.
I had piano lessons as a kid, largely at the instigation of my mother and thus put up a lot of resistance. I might have had some ability if I bothered to practice. I enjoyed the guitar to the point where I could handle the arpeggio on Collective Soul's "December". I think I could do well on bass, thanks to my abnormally long arms and fingers (with all that implies, heh, heh.) My problem with the string instruments is simply this: I have a congenital inability to tune the strings. Not sure why, but I always have to have someone else do the tuning, which got to be awkward, so I ended up giving up on it. Might buy a big stand-up bass and take some lessons. After all, Acker Blick's "Strangers on a Shore" was the number one hit the month I was born.
At the moment my musical wires are being jammed by the bizarre spectacle of the Village People seranading Donald and Melania Trump at the inauguration, so perhaps I will wrap it at that.