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Topic: Spine-tingling
April 21, 2021 »
I've been asked to compile an inventory of our library for insurance purposes.
Abigail Adams -
The Write Stuff
Ansel Adams -
The Decisive Moment
Louisa May Alcott -
Short People
Buzz Aldrin -
What's On Second
Hans Christian Andersen -
Dressed To Chill
Mary Anning -
Here Are My Dragons
Susan B. Anthony -
The B Word
Antinous -
Yo Hadrian
Marie Antoinette -
Having Your Cake
Diane Arbus -
Picture Perfect
Neil Armstrong -
(A) Man
Benedict Arnold -
The Rough Guide To The Colonies
Cassandra Austen -
Dear Jane
Jane Austen -
You Complete Me
Charles Babbage -
Vive la Différence
Tallulah Bankhead -
Just Say Yes
Barbie -
Ken and the Art of Bicycle Maintenance
Laura Bassi -
Hot For Teaching
Sylvia Beach -
Sylvia Beach Reading
Simone de Beauvoir -
Shelf Life
Isabella Beeton -
Cooking With Excel
Zina Bethune -
It's Not Me It's You
Aneurin Bevan -
Captured By The Rainbow
Mel Blanc -
Filling In The Blanc
Anne Bradstreet -
Virtue Is My Muse
Britannicus -
When In Rome
Branwell Brontë -
It Turns Out We Don't All Have A Book In Us
Emily Brontë -
Keep Off The Moors
Patrick Brontë -
The Brontë Bunch
Molly Brown -
The Lady's For Turning
Margaret Wise Brown -
Goodnight Moon
George Burns -
God Was A Wiseguy
Barbara Bush -
From My Loins
Julius Caesar -
How to Win Friends & Influence Romans & Countrymen
John Cage -
Hearing Things
Michael Caine -
Just Blow
Caligula -
Maria Callas -
Divine Disaster
Julia Margaret Cameron -
I'm Ready For My Closeup
Annie Jump Cannon -
I Was A Google Doodle
Mark Carney -
Dressed For Success
Lewis Carroll -
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Elizabeth Carter -
Don't Worry Be Happy
Jacques Cartier -
Maybe it's the Lure of the Sea
Gene Cernan -
At Last
Charlie Chaplin -
Brother Can You Spare The Time?
Émilie du Châtelet -
Femme Naturelle
Apsley Cherry-Garrard -
Are We There Yet?
Nim Chimpsky -
Colorless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously
Noam Chomsky -
"Show Me The Way To Go Noam"
Kate Chopin -
The Awokening
Clementine Churchill -
Claudius -
Me Myself & I
Beverly Cleary -
Ramona Quimby, 666
James Cook -
Cook Book
Nicolaus Copernicus -
Towards A Velocentric View Of The Universe
Oliver Cromwell -
Who's Your Daddy
George Custer -
My Last Trackstand
John Dalton -
Adult Colouring Book
Virginia Dare -
Truth Or Dare
Charles Darwin -
Caress And Conquer
Jefferson Davis -
Not My President
Anne Desclos -
The Story Never Ends
Emily Dickinson -
The Thing with Feathers
Helen Gahagan Douglas -
Better Pink Than Fink
Bob Dylan -
Forever Young
Amelia Earhart -
Choose Your Own Adventure
Arthur Eddington -
Feel Like A Number
Albert Einstein -
Do The Math
Alfred Eisenstaedt -
Say Squeeze
Queen Elizabeth 1.0 -
The Ermine Ceiling
Queen Elizabeth 2.0 -
The Buck Stops Here
Ralph Ellison -
M.C. Escher -
What Goes Around
Carrie Fisher -
Furst Base
Marjory Fleming -
From Wean To Tween
Barbara Follett -
Written Out Of The Story
Anne Frank -
Dear Everybody
Ben Franklin -
Poor Man, Rich Man
Marilyn French -
Room 101
Sigmund Freud -
Sometimes A Cigar Is Just A Cigar
Betty Friedan -
The Masculine Piss-Take
Galileo Galilei -
Breaking Bad
Mahatma Gandhi -
Can't Touch This
Greta Garbo -
Sometimes A Greta Notion
Judy Garland -
The Rough Guide to Kansas
George III -
By George
Katharine Graham -
Mammary Graham
Andrew Greeley -
Sex in the Sacristy
Jacob Grimm -
Let Me Down Easy
Thomas Hardy -
John Harrison -
Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?
Hugh Hefner -
Master Of My Domain
Ernest Hemingway -
Open Your Veins
Jimi Hendrix -
Scuse Me While I Kiss This Guy
James Herriot -
Animal House
John Herschel -
Hermann Hesse -
Home Alone
Marguerite Higgins -
Girl War Correspondent
Edmund Hillary -
Climb Every Mountain
Christopher Hitchens -
Are You There God? It's Me, Christopher.
Adolf Hitler -
My Life As A Meme
Abbie Hoffman -
Steal This Bike
Harry Houdini -
Of Human Bondage
L. Ron Hubbard -
Die Hard
Engelbert Humperdinck -
Engelbert Humperdinck
Ivan the Terrible -
Read It And Weep
Anna Jarvis -
Smothering Son Day
Jennie Jerome -
A Name Of One's Own
Joan of Arc -
Match Made By Heaven
James Joyce -
Yes Means Yes
Franz Kafka -
Immanuel Kant -
No Kan Do
Kublai Khan -
Dreaming of Porlock
Walt Kelly -
Know Your Enemy: A Self-Help Autobiography
Jack Kerouac -
Fork In The Road
Ken Kesey -
Unsafe At Any Speed
John Maynard Keynes -
My Life As An Adjective
Philip Larkin -
Stan Laurel -
Lucky Dog
Emma Lazarus -
When Breath Becomes Air
G. Gordon Liddy -
Fear And Loathing Inc.
Abraham Lincoln -
Surely You're Joking, Mr. Lincoln!
Little Carmine -
De Something: The Nobiliary Particle In Action
(not yet published, our members keep asking for it)
Ada Lovelace -
A Very Explicit Function Of X
Martin Luther -
Indulge Me
Rosa Luxemburg -
Party Girl
Marvin the Paranoid Android -
Have A Nice Day
Mary Tudor -
How To Make A Bloody Mary
Princess Mary -
Mary Meek & Mild
Harpo Marx -
Mime Camp
Karl Marx -
Lark: Pranks I played In The British Museum Reading Room
John McAdam -
Hattie McDaniel -
The M Word
John McEnroe -
Good Sport
Margaret Mead -
Playing Doctor
Herman Melville -
Too Big To Fail
Eddy Merckx -
Spike Milligan –
Amusing Ourselves To Death
Nancy Mitford -
U Do U
Marilyn Monroe -
The Monroe Doctrine: Spheres Of Influence
Mary Tyler Moore -
Hear Me Moore
Jan Morris -
The Female Eunuch
Lucretia Mott -
Don't Get Sentimental On Me
Randy Newman -
Bite Me
Florence Nightingale -
It's Not About The Lamp
Harry Nilsson -
The Talking Cure
Anaïs Nin -
The Secret Diary of Anaïs Nin, Aged 33¾
Pat Nixon -
Standing Pat
Richard Nixon -
Reach For The Stars
Grace Paley -
Kvetch A Falling Star
Dorothy Parker -
Baby It's Cold Inside
Rosa Parks -
Mike Pence -
Stepping Up
Samuel Pepys -
And So To Blog
Prince Philip -
Prince Charming
Sylvia Plath -
Lazy Lazarus
Daddy Dearest
Edgar Allan Poe -
Quoth Unquote
Ayn Rand -
Supergirl Unhugged
Nancy Reagan -
First Mommie
Keanu Reeves -
Mandy Rice-Davies -
Bird Calls
Jackie Robinson -
Skin In The Game
Norman Rockwell -
We Can't All Be Jackson Pollock
Auguste Rodin -
I Yam What I Yam
Ethel Rosenberg -
Proximity Fuse
Babe Ruth -
Hit Me Babe One More Time
George Sand -
Indiana George and the Temple of Swoon
Jean-Paul Sartre -
Hell Is Other Forums
Arthur Schopenhauer -
Misery Loves Philosophy
Robert Falcon Scott -
Penguins For Dinner
Catharine Sedgwick -
Eat Me
Erich Segal -
Anne Sexton -
Mary Shelley -
Hear Me Roar
Hans Sloane -
To Dust We Return
Adam Smith -
The Invisible Handjob
John Snow -
The Pump Don't Work 'Cause I Took The Handle
Mickey Spillane -
My Body is Me!
Benjamin Spock -
Kids These Days
Gertrude Stein -
It Is What It Is
George Stephenson -
Do The Locomotion
Harriet Beecher Stowe -
Fighting Words
Anne Sullivan -
Pranking Helen
Jonathan Swift -
Tall Tales
Leo Szilard -
The Crossing
Henry Fox Talbot -
Take A Calotype It'll Last Longer
Major Taylor -
Human Racing
Mother Teresa -
Here Comes The Bride
Denis Thatcher -
Mr Menace
Margaret Thatcher -
Boo Hoo: My Life In Purgatory
Tiny Tim -
Where I'll Be
Alexis de Tocqueville -
L'Amérique est Foutue
Flora Tristan -
Pussy Riot
Donald Jehoshaphat Trump -
The Greatest Book In The World
Alan Turing -
John Updike -
The Naked Rejection Slip
Uvedale Price
(filed here because Updike is lonely)
Sublime Is My Middle Name
Amerigo Vespucci -
Little Pink Houses
Voltaire -
Free Speech for Dummies
Mary Edwards Walker -
Clothes Horse
Arthur Wellesley -
Like A Duke
Edith Wharton -
Ethan Frome: Dreams Die Hard with a Vengeance
Mary Whitehouse -
When Titles Fail
Walt Whitman -
Say My Name
Laura Ingalls Wilder -
There's Something About Mary
Mary Wollstonecraft -
Frankly Giving A Damn
Virginia Woolf -
Fay Wray -
Fatale Tamale
Wilbur Wright -
Virgin Airways
Abraham Zapruder -
My Other Home Movies
Howard Zinn -
A Peep's History of the USA
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Cycling +
On The Nightstand