Butch Cassidy relaxed after a robbery, giving the Sundance Kid an idea: what if on their next bank heist they use the drive-thru window? It would make for a fast sure getaway, horses getting notoriously dead when punctured by the bullets of pursuing lawmen. The bike besotted Butch decided it was the future and agreed.
The day of the heist started with a bad omen when the Sundance Kid got
SMIDSY'd by a stagecoach, totaling his black beauty. They made lemonade out of lemons and robbed the coach out of principle, then the Kid hopped onto Butch's handlebars. On the way to the bank they got passed by an old lady on a penny farthing, which irritated the Kid enough to want to rob her too, but Butch told him to grow up.
When they finally arrived the drive-thru had a long line of customers who make easy pickings for the bandits. Flush with cash by the time they got to the window, Butch nearly had a change of heart and made a deposit instead, part of him thinking he's getting a little old for this and maybe it's time to let his money do the work, but the interest rate was risible so he stuck to the plan. They took out a large withdrawal and commenced their getaway.
Unfortunately the plan had a fatal flaw. The posse following in hot pursuit reminded them that bikes can get punctures, too.
The desperadoes took cover in an abandoned shed at the edge of town, pinned in, outgunned, their useless "hearse" as the Sundance Kid was now calling it a convenient target for him to flog out of frustration. Butch watched impassively, the posse giving the usual spiel about being surrounded, etc. "They also shoot iron horses, don't they," he said mostly to himself. "What?" said the Kid. "Never mind," said Butch. "For a moment there I thought we were in trouble."