A quorum is present at King Edward VII’s Hospital where Prince Philip is being serviced by a member of staff. We’re told he may be some time.
Message: We care about chairsWe’ve been made comfortable in an anteroom. Charles came and went a little while ago. He may be considered for legacy membership.
Dorothy Parker: Over my dead body. The man is a stiff everywhere but in the bedroom.
Lady Bellaston: Someone has been busy.
Be that as it may, although registration is normally open to all, it is written into our constitution that members of the royal family must first pass trial by combat. Withering commentary in the press or by disappointed paramours doesn't count.
Ivan the Terrible: I recall no such combat.
It was waved for you on account of your generous donation which is funding the Ivan the Terrible wing.
Ivan the Terrible: Yes, I am frequently visited by an interior decorator who wants to show me swatches. When will it end?!
That's out of my hands, Ivan.
[A nurse enters the room, looking disheveled] Who's next?
click for medical attention which may not be safe for work
"Private insurance doesn't cover my tip."
[Carson McCullers raises her hand, then lowers it when she realises the quorum will be lost]
Is he feeling quite better?
Nurse: Quite.
Florence Nightingale: I'll be the judge of that.
[Prince Philip's generously proportioned room accommadates us with a chair to spare]
Ozymandias: It is fitting. That is where death shall wait.
Prince Philip: Steady on!
Ozymandias: Anubis comes for us all.
Oz is right. Fortunately that's no bar to membership. In fact it's a tick in the plus column. How was your visit with Charles?
Prince Philip: The boy has been such a disappointment. Wet noodle material since Gordonstoun.
Dorothy Parker: Tell me about it. [Eyes suddenly widen - wait for it]
What are you in for? The press just says observation and rest.
Prince Philip: Priapism. Blasted thing won't go down.
[The elephant in the room is noted for the record]
Ozymandias: This can happen at the moment of death, too.
Lady Bellaston: Don't tell Dorothy that or she'll be headed down to the morgue next.
Dorothy Parker: Here's fine.
Let's have a look at your chart. [Looks at chart] I see medicinal release has been attempted thrice a day with no success. At 99, there are worse problems to have.
Prince Philip: Gets in the way after a while. I even tried a trick I heard about on 'Peep Show', of course hoping it would have the opposite effect.
This clip will have to do, I can't find the scene you're referring to. [Refines search] Sorry,
here it is.Prince Philip: That's the one. Ever since the "pearls before swine" remark she made back in the 60s, we've been estranged in that department.
I didn't realise you were so sensitive.
Ivan the Terrible: That's what she said.
Seriously, this is a new side of you we're seeing.
Prince Philip: In fact I've rather gone off British women altogether, except when needs must. Give me slitty-eyed any day of the week.
And we're back.
Nina Simone: How did this honky ever make it through the membership committee?
Did I mention we're open to all?
Groucho Marx: That's me out. I refuse to remain in a club that would have this man's member as a member. [Makes no move to leave]
Actually, we do have standards. I gave Paul Tibbets a pass for dropping
Little Boy. Just following orders doesn't cut it.
Abraham Lincoln: Maybe if he'd had a funny name like Tibbets the Terrible...?
Duly noted. Philip, we're going to give you some rest. Stay well.
Groucho Marx: Yes, keep your pecker up.
[Quorum files out except for Dorothy. The rest of us head for The Slaughtered Lamb.]