Tier 4 was an early Christmas present, at least from the point of view of someone needing to go to the city yet advised to steer clear of humanity.
Not an allegory that I’m aware ofThere was plenty of room at the inn.
The gift that keeps on giving
Don't sit under the lollipop tree with anyone else but meMy accommodations the next day were strictly functional.

A Teasmade unlike any I'd seen before.

My roommate, on life support.

Happy to share.

I was thoroughly scrutinised. Those aren't my shoes.

The highly trained technician took care not to set me on tumble dry.

a. Truly madly deeply and without surcease
I'll get back to you on thatBusiness concluded, there was enough time for a leisurely ride through cheery London.
Thanks for the memories.
If this isn't a clear sign that Christmas is cancelled, I don't know what is.
You're never too young for pieceworkAnd now
The End is near.

Stranger danger in the manger.

This public service announcement brought to you by Tidings of Good Cheer, Ltd.