The escape from the blade was not to last. Her visual fields took a hit, as the numbers headed north. Last month she went into Moorfields Eye Hospital with two intact peepers and left looking like a pirate who'd raided the supply room. She was instructed not to bend below the heart or do anything else which raises eyeball pressure, including drink too much water too fast, according to Dr Google; she was afraid to even sneeze heartily.
or be an eyewitness to dangerous cartoon shenanigansThe following weeks were enough to satisfy the cravings of even the most depraved eyedrop fetishist, if any such exist. The assaulted organ must be regularly bathed in antibiotics, and a solution formulated to keep the wound from healing
too quickly – note that the new man (actually woman in this case, though she was overseen by the top guy in the field) -made trap-door in the sclera designed to allow for drainage of aqueous humour can prematurely close if the body’s healing process is allowed to operate at the normal speed of repair. In this respect, the older you are the better, as the body takes longer to heal. Therese doesn't qualify as an oldie, even if she is a goodie.
Though we had a scare early on, when her vision suddenly went terribly wonky, everything now appears to be going swimmingly. Unfortunately she'll have to go though this again next year. Binocular vision, innit.