Author Topic: Open mic


Open mic
« on: April 14, 2021 »
Hello you
my registered few
I'm rounding you up for a challenge:
to write up a rhyme!
we'll have a good tyme
anything less would be sacrilege.

Did I say rhyme?
Haiku's also fine.

I don't know what shape
this poem will take
what metre or scheme or how serious;
'twill be or not be
depending on thee
the paths that it takes might prove curious.

Did I say a poem?
It might be plural.

Give it a try
here's mud in your eye
perhaps we'll convert a few lurkers;
wordsmithery rules
our stanzas our mules
torture or bliss as they skirt the abyss that awaits every poem that can't find the right end oh my god make it stop I can't reach that outcrop and it's all for the sake of a word I can't find which approximately rhymes with said lurkers.


  • London's hard-boiled black'n'white sweetie
Re: Open mic
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2021 »
I am channelin a bit ere - the P.A. mite be a tad miffed becos this right copy's a bit left field innit...

Deffo Defer

to the charitiers
because they know
what not to show

funds will flow
and we will go
to see the old muriels
Ho ho ho!

interview them -o so
differentially blow by blow
on British Library skewers

Lucent Valet

The use of Robo-Focus-Groups and recursive sys-anal to worm out the
kninks in AI-ethics development was a maestrestroke, btw buddy!

The sort-a-like method, yeah.
It wouldn't have worked without my classic analog-corder collection
- in fact that was whata sparked the idea. The old mucka was on at me again to prune the stuff,
and the whole shebang came at me in a mindful/CBT sesh - I reckon my uber-Id had outcyced the hypno-algorithmics again,
between you, me and the gatepost.
They let me hold on to vestigio-autist traits as a potential tech-innov y-no,
and abracad - it seems to be paying off!

So the New World Pioneer shoots for Alpha-C for next apogee, and you'll be on the crew?

Nah - we can do all the mon by remote now - it's prime-encryped on send and receive.
Just a bunch of ether-dots in tween-space, and
Bob and Roberta are going along to handle the s-n-r, with the activ-cephalopod firewall tranceivers
it's a piece of cake. I'm not an ops-bod tbh.

You didn't want to go? On the first live out-gal trip? What a miss-up!

I dunno, s'all been sit-proofed on Gany - quite a few G-heads missed their lux-vac last year
y-no. The sched-comp sigged me for ground-staff anyway. I'm not too miffed. Gotta lock-on in my personals right now.
It's complicatered!

Well congrats on the Marcuse-Kenobi medal pal. Good show. C-u in tech-gym. Sol!


Re: Open mic
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2021 »
brain agape
mind the gap
I’m just an ape
with an app

« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2021 »
Can I get in on the action? There was a sign out front.


I stumbled in from haunted moor
to have a spot of tea,
no sooner had I opened t'door
when wolfie leapt on me!

He took a chunk out of my arm
and started on my throat;
the landlord said "He means no harm"
which seemed a cruel joke.

I know the English love their pets
they treat them as fur babies;
beasts as this will bring regrets
maybe even rabies.

As I lay in pooling blood
my life before my eyes,
wolfie changed back into bloke
and did apologise.

Reader, I exaggerate
it's called poetic license;
although that nip did seal my fate
it wasn't a death sentence.

In fact I'm happy to relate
our wedding will be soon!
that playful nip was our first date
spent howling at the moon.


  • London's hard-boiled black'n'white sweetie
Re: Open mic
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2021 »
Well that wos innerestin.

Owever , as today is  'Earth Day' accordin ter the BBC Radio I av bin channelin a bit again, an after receivin sum messages ov a more earthy nature it is now me pleasure ter present, fer yer delectation -

Bun McLean sings 'Decent' - Chompskyite version

Pooey, pooey Rab
Do sum poos and eat sum hay
Do yer fink they'll fly away?
No, yer'll av ter sweep em in a pan

Yes, that is the plan
Av ter do it every day
more than once wivout no pay
but even so its worth it innit, man?

Now I fink yer know
how it is an it will always be
as long as you are there fer me
an so we even make the garden grow

But I could av told you're decent.
This old guy wos ever meant fer one as poopiful as me

- ope yer don't mind the cross-pollination.

Re: Open mic
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2021 »

To my very great surprise
I am become destroyer of pies;
giving up cigs sure as hell wasn't fun
Heaven knows I'm dying for one.


My theory is God is a rabbit,
creation a litter tray,
and he is oft in the habit
of flushing it all away.

Re: Open mic
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2021 »
One law for the big
another law for the small
it doesn't seem right


  • London's hard-boiled black'n'white sweetie
Re: Open mic
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2021 »
Truth and Duty

Tee and Dee were hard nuts
Dee was very strict
Dee told Tee what he could do
and Tee felt very sick

Tee took up the tablets
and ground them to a mash
and slipped them in Dee's cup of char
and Dee got rather smashed

« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2021 »
Drop me off it's fine
you can spare a thought for me
when the tide comes in


  • Guest
Re: Open mic
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2021 »

This isn’t poetry.  This is poetry right out of my head that is not-poetry.  Anti-matter verbeage.  Nearly-garbage.

Two people talking at a bus stop - one a poet, the other a ticket inspector. Maybe

I’m going.
I’m going. 

It’s coming.

Give me poetry.

I have to go.

I want poetry.

Give it to me.

Give me a minute and I’ll tell you.

It’s coming.

Here it is.

My poetry
Has left me.
Washed up.
I’m Gracie Fields aspidistraless
I’m John Donne undone
I’m Burns without an Afton flow
I’m Scott Marmioff not Marmion.

My poetry
Has left me.
I’m Cooper Clark with a haircut.
I’m Hegley with contact lenses.
I’m Armitage with no ego.
I’m defenceless.

My poetry
Isn’t there any more and the hole
It left
Is gaping.
I’m no Trudeau
No Baudelaire
No Rimbaud
No Owen
No Clare, Milne, Cummings
I’m going.