Being critical without being unnecessarily unkind is a challenge I take seriously. Let's see how it goes.
VeloMonkee Cycling
Many have gone on to great success picking animals out of a hat: The Beatles, Atomic Kitten, The Monkees, to name a few. Job done, it got me to click.
Didn't realise you were in Trumpland.
Currently Bidenland. It was on the news. Anyway...
I have a club Strava called VeloMonkee.
I've started a new cycling group on FitBit as well and was looking for fellow riders to join if anyone is interested.
FitBit: Search for VeloMonkee Cycling and request to join.
Strava: htttps://
VeloMonkee website: htttp://
When plugging one's site, the unwritten code is to make an effort beyond just getting the bare information out there. For example,
this gentleman went to the trouble of finding an appropriate quote and adding garnish. (Not that it mattered in the end.)
I visited VeloMonkee. You can too by removing those bonus t's.
We are casual riders, weekend warriors, and commuters. We are parents and grandparents, neighbors and friends. We are business owners and industry leaders…"
Industry leaders?
I live and ride mostly in Allegany County, Western Maryland. I have a wife. I have two kids. I have a cat.
We'll return to the cat. I'm still hung up on industry leaders, but you seem unlikely to throw us any crumbs. As an American visitor to a British based site, at least provide a bit of local colour or trivia. William H. Macy graduated from Allegany High School - that one's a freebie.
The Bicycle Laws By State seemed worth a look. Only 47 to go.
There are blog entries. That's all I got on that.
Back to CC. Curious what else BPCycler has contributed, I quickly located
his introduction from 2017, which mentions that VeloMonkee has seven members. I'm going to take a wild guess they haven't picked up too many since then. Seeing as NACF has been around for a decade and currently boasts less than half that number of active users, let's move swiftly along to his
Analytics Poll. Alas, this also proved less than popular.
I'm not going to debate this with you. If you don't wish to participate in the poll or question, at this point you're only hijacking a thread.
Please be respectful of others that wouldn't have an issue just playing along.
Thank you for understanding,
Good day.