Author Topic: Who are you


Who are you
« on: August 23, 2023 »
that I should have to lie.

Great line from a song. Perhaps you'll have an opportunity to use it.

This just in
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2023 »
Kids shouldn't have to lie either.
Quote from: Miriam Cates+
When schools allow a child to change their name and pronouns, other children in the school are pressured into accepting this new identity. I’m willing to bet that most adolescents know that humans can’t change sex, so in being forced to collude with the transition of a peer they are being pressured — every time they speak to or about their “trans” classmate — to speak a lie. When people are compelled by those in authority to repeat untruths or remain silent when lies are spoken, they lose their sense of self-worth and ability to resist coercion; it is unthinkable that this should be happening to children in a democracy.

See also Victoria Smith – She/her/or/else

« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2023 »
Quote from: Emant_erabus
Transgenderism is audience participation therapy. No one will ever look at this man and think he is truly a woman, but he is signaling to us that he has gender dysphoria and needs our assistance with his treatment, that the kind thing to do is play along and pretend we don't see a man, but a beautiful woman. This is why there's this babying affectation when people communicate with transgender people - why, for instance, Dylan Mulvaney won "Woman of the Year" for being the worst influencer in the history of the world - because it's therapy, and people are being extra gentle.

We can and should ask "so, is it all going to be therapy now?"; are we, as a society, really going to reduce every female space and action to therapy for dysphoric males? Are we really never going to have any female sports ever again, it will all be just backdrop for the emotional therapy of men dealing with dysphoria? Are we really never going to allow a sorority, a public bathroom, a feminist meetup to be a safe space for women, is it all reduced to cheerleading and assisting dysphoric males?


Let it all hang out
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2024 »
My wife met a transwoman today. She described him to me and it turns out we've seen him online. He's a paramedic servicing the hospital where she had an intimate scan. The ER being near to the broom closet cozy exam room where these are performed, there was every opportunity for him to be the one who knocks (Breaking Bad joke). Except he barged in without knocking, evidently for a quick look-see, as all he did was stare. Incidentally, he was wearing heavy makeup, unlike any female medical personnel we've ever seen.

He was quickly pushed out by the nurse, who told him "No no no." You've got to wonder if that wasn't the first time.

« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2024 »
Quote from: ArabellaScott
No men in womens spaces.

Not the lovely ones.
Not the sad ones.
Not the reasonable ones.
Not the funny ones.
Not the ones who've had plastic surgery.
Not any of them.

No, thank you.