Indrajit Samarajiva specialises in (r)anti-US blog posts, which I for one don't have a problem with, given the abundant supply of ammunition. He churns out some clever turns of phrase, and I found him moreish until I read this:
How I Grew Up Transphobic
A redemption story! If you don't mind, I have a few notes.
(With Ace Ventura)
The pet detective guy.
Way ahead of you there.Hating trans people was popular culture just a generation ago
Generation Hate. Catchy, no?
From Ace Ventura. I skimmed it for this article, and just don't watch this film. It's a hate crime
Shirley you jest.
Growing up in the 1990s I remember watching Ace Ventura: Pet Detective in the theatres. I sat there with hundreds of people, munching popcorn, watching a hate crime.
I guess that answers that.
Millions of people did. It was a popular movie.
In the final scene, Jim Carrey has the villain surrounded by cops and he starts ripping off her clothes. The big punchline, the most terrible crime, is that she's trans. Her body is so disgusting that all the cis-men (holding guns) vomit. And we all laughed. We all watched that hate crime and laughed at it together. Today I am ashamed.
You laughed because, evidently, it was funny. It's still funny to anyone who laughed the first time around and whose sense of humour hasn't been snatched from them, leaving an ideological husk.
Everyone gets made fun of in this thing we call life.
It's easy to forget that this was just a generation ago. This cinematic lynching was in 1994 (10 years ago in my mind, but actually 27). The absolute bigotry of the film didn't even register at the time. This was normal. The film ends with a line of cop cars driving to the football stadium, where cis men are athletes and cis women are cheerleaders and everyone is in their proper place.
Remember the "high tech lynching" of Clarence Thomas?
I only bring it up as it's sad to see the misuse of such powerful words from a writer. More of that to come, I'm sure.
Also, whenever you say "cis", my eyes do a little roll.
I watched this and felt good. It was a happy ending. The heterosexuals were good and trans people were dangerous, deceptive villains. This is just how we grew up. We grew up transphobic AF.
Kind of a stretch that a movie about a "pet detective" really brought it out in you.
Growing Up
Growing up in the 1990s in America, I didn't have to go out of my way to be a bigot. We said 'faggot' all the time. Lesbians were a dirty joke. The entire existence of trans people was at best hilarious, at worst a justification for violence. This is all horrifying to write down, but at the time it was just normal. Being homophobic or transphobic is not some unique pathology. This was the dominant culture of the times.
"Transphobia" is
wearing out its welcome here on
TERF Island.
Octavia St. Laurent in a still from Paris Is Burning
It was not, however, the only culture, and certainly not the only possible one. Also in the 1990s, Paris Is Burning was released. This documentary covered the vibrant ballroom culture of the 1980s, places where no one laughed at queer or trans people but instead celebrated them. While society was telling them to sleep in the cinders, young people found fairy godmothers, shoplifted fabulous clothes, and went out to the ball. These balls were grand contests where—even if just for a night—they were cheered instead of jeered. It's a real Cinderella story.
Growing up in Columbus, Ohio
Everyone from Ohio
raise your hand.I knew nothing about this, but it existed. Thus I don't want to say 'by the standards of our times' because that just erases those voices again. Trans people existed in the 1990s, and by stubbornly persisting, they have changed popular culture today. Ballroom was a small subculture, but its influence has now spread far and wide. Today we still do voguing dance moves and use phrases like "yas queen" and "throwing shade." Meanwhile no one is talking out of their butt or saying "alrighty then" (Jim Carrey's catch-phrases). Times have changed.
Alrighty then.This leads, however, to the conflict we see today. Most young people see trans rights as human rights, but people my age and older simply did not grow up that way. We grew up laughing at the persecution of trans people, it was family fun.
We grew up laughing at absurdities such as the proposition that women have a penis, this is true.
Some of us grew up and are ashamed, but some are still hateful and proud. The loss of the privilege to hate feels, to many people, like an oppression. And so we get continued transphobia today, just much more whiny and self-indulgent.
Whiny and self-indulgent
[BIG LAUGH].Transphobia Today
Today you can't just strip a trans person naked and laugh at their body. That's not funny. You can't say they're disgusting and expect everyone else to agree. You can't portray them as villains, or dangerous, at least not so openly. But make no mistake, people still think these things.
Can't have people thinking the wrong things. It is the job of us bloggers to set them right.
Now they just express them in more subtle ways.
Instead of making vomiting noises, they just ask questions.
Even worse than thinking the wrong things is asking questions.
Whitey asked too many questionsInstead of portraying trans people as villains, they talk about public restrooms. And instead of national films we get irrational Substacks, complaining bitterly about being silenced.
This is where I realised you
really haven't been paying attention. I know things have speeded up since you wrote this in 2021, but plenty of stupid and
scary shit went down before that.
The real problem, of course, is that trans and queer people refused to be silenced. Cinderella refused to stay in the cinders and went to the ball, and won the prince of public opinion. There was a culture war over the past 25 years and Paris Is Burning is winning...
Look, I love movies too, but it can be helpful to step away from the reel world and check in with the real world.
I think often of how the gay friends I have came out after college, well into 2005.
And now we have transing the gay away. That's progress for you.
Things were messed up for that long, and across most communities they still desperately are. The rising power of trans people across media is really an illusion because A) they're still fighting for the basic right to exist
Sure, let's make this existential. Because we all know that if people stop believing, trans stops existing.
and B) the power, the money, and the guns are still with the people who hate them.
You might want to consider an update to your wetware.
I was quite casually part of the problem for many years. So many of us were ignorantly awful. Supporting trans people today is the least we can do.
That being your second link to the same blog piece, message received.
Trans Rights Are Not Up For Debate
We put the existence of trans people up for debate. They have to prove themselves to us, biologically, socially, legally. We hold no one else to these standards.
If you don't like these standards, we have others.Do you check anyone’s genitals before you call them he or she? Or do we just treat each other with respect and get on with it? Even the fact that I — a straight cis man — am writing this is obscene. What does my opinion have to do with their rights? And yet trans rights are up for debate, so I write. To say that the whole debate is obscene.
Something is obscene here and you don't know what it is, do you, Mr Samarajiva.
I will not engage in this as a ‘debate’ because I think it is frankly genocidal.
I will not legitimize a debate that is, in itself, structural violence. I will not glorify the handle that twists the knife. Trans rights are right and denying them is wrong.
Here's where an honest accounting of what rights they don't have wouldn't go amiss.
The objections are all hypotheticals. What if ‘men’ end up in ‘safe’ female spaces. Bitch, what safe space? Men are already everywhere.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that your use of "bitch" isn't throwing misogynist shade, but you don't half pick your moments. Telling women
you're not safe anywhere isn't the winning argument you think it is.
Nor are any of your others.Deal with problems as they come up, and focus on the real problem, which is cis men.
FTFY. For avoidance of doubt, trans women are men.
Leave the vulnerable people alone. More to the point, help them.
It is the height of genocidal thought to take a deeply oppressed minority and make them the danger. We are not in danger from trans people. We are the ones killing them.
Unless you're a sex worker in Brazil, this is actually one of the safer demographics we're talking about.
Not just the violent people that do it. The ambivalent people who make their existence up for debate. How do you think an existential debate is settled? It’s with hands around their neck.
I am part of this violence. I grew up in it. I laughed.
As a 12-year old I sat in a theatre and laughed at Ace Ventura until I cried.
You're more a part of the problem now than you ever were then.
There’s a learning curve for all of us.
You can say that again.PS. Much as I looooove talking to myself, I did reach out and contact Indrajit, hoping for a chat. No such luck.