Author Topic: Duty Calls


Duty Calls
« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2024 »
Quote from: Mein Tool
Those 26 nurses do not represent 26 incidents. They represent one.

Or: look how much damage just one trans identifying man can do.

There was also more than a single incident, despite his best efforts at minimisation.

. . .

There's probably nothing I can say about Tool that I haven't already. We're both broken records, the difference being he's warped. (That may be new.) It's clear he doesn't know what he's talking about on the gender thread, and accuses people of the very things he's guilty of, from lying, to logical fallacies, to living in an algorithmic bubble. In fact that's his main mode of attack: the simple reverse, e.g., you're in a cult (his current favourite word), when it's so very obvious who's engaging in cult-like behaviour. It is, as I said a few posts ago, the equivalent of making a lot of noise in an attempt to drown out the opposition.

He is a waste of time, yet here I am posting about him. Again. I'd check myself into Hatescrollers Anonymous, except I'm not anonymous, and it's fascination, not hate: I can't wrap my head around how someone can behave the way he does.


Duty Calls
« Reply #31 on: June 30, 2024 »
Quote from: AuroraSaab
Perhaps just better to leave people to get on with campaigning about what is important to them, whether it's Gaza, women's rights, or whatever else takes their fancy.

I've located Mein Tool.

You have to admit the Labour guy sounds eerily similar to the forum troll, even if he didn't start insulting her the way Tool does Aurora and others. Unless you count his entire performance as an insult.

I wouldn't say that was Julia at her best, her first question being as loaded as they come, but he was so awful she's forgiven. Whether or not men have been assigned to share women's actual bunk beds in prison, which may have been the technicality that kept him from lying, at least in his own mind, his denial that they haven't been housed together was one of those moments where you find it hard to believe what you're hearing. Full on TWAW, as captured as you're going to find.


Duty Calls
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2024 »
Quote from: Mein Tool

CXRAndy shares a lot of tweets. Each one offers a discussion point, splendidly annoying the actual cult members. It's win-win. Bonus points for remaining completely unruffled by them.

Quote from: AndyRM
Quote from: CXRAndy
[Rowling tweet "In which the First Minister of Scotland does a very good impression of a teenager trying to bullshit his way through questions on a book he's never read."]

He doesn't really though, does he?

He's hesitant, says it's a debate, and makes his own feelings known.

Personally I prefer that approach than launching into some bollocks spiel which inevitably gets torn to shreds, but maybe that's just me.

Fuck me, I'm going to agree – or at least not totally disagree – with Mini-Me here; except I would prefer the approach where the first minister wasn't frightened of being torn to shreds by trans rights privileges activists, and without hesitation stated facts known to all but the most addled, because he's an adult human male with a working brain, with the courage of the adult human female.

Quote from: Mein Tool

Thanks for helping me find that song!

Oh, and this seems tailor-made.


Duty Calls
« Reply #33 on: July 02, 2024 »
Quote from: AuroraSaab
this forum... has a regular engagement that totals 4, with perhaps 3 or 4 occasional others

I count half a dozen regulars on the gender thread: Mein Tool, moNkers, Aurora, icowden, and the two Andys. There are at least that many others plugging away elsewhere, including punching in for reactions. For an adjunct to a major cycling forum it's an abysmal state of affairs.

Though Duty Calls can seem like a death watch, I expect NACA will carry on no matter how little subscribed it is, since they need a place to shunt anything OT that's even slightly controversial. As long as Mein Tool is around it's hard to imagine it coming back to even the modest but interesting forum it was before, let alone blossoming into something more worthwhile.

The less we hear from others, the more posts we get from the man-child:
Quote from: AndyRM
Of all the things I've needed psychological help with over the years, being non-binary has never been one.


Pepys show
« Reply #34 on: September 28, 2024 »
You didn't seriously think we were done with NACA, did you? I for one had my hopes. But here we are again.

Last night's slew of contributions by 'N' were doubtless triggered by the recent attack of eye-rolling.

When I think of moNkers and Aurora I sometimes picture The Hound and his mutant zombie brother fighting and falling to their deaths at the end of Game of Thrones:

That's not quite fair, as she can't be compared to either. Tyrion is perhaps the closest casting choice, because he was forever talking sense, and disliked by everybody who didn't know any better. How tall is she?