Author Topic: Son of Triggering

Party like it's 9999
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2023 »
All the zer0s are belong to AndyRM.

I don't think anyone claims to be trans lightly, and I don't believe they're guided down that path without the circumstances being fully acknowledged or explored.

The most famous bulge in Scotland

As long as we're celebrating (we are celebrating, right?):

Scotland cockblocked
Quote from: Susan Dalgety
the real winners of yesterday’s historic ruling were not the UK Government, but the women of Scotland who would not wheesht, no matter how often they were told to shut up.

Cookiemonster is concerned:
Quote from: cookiemonster
What concerns me more about this ruling is that a Government of another country, not voted by anyone in Scotland, run by a party that no-one in Scotland has voted for since the 1950s, can block laws put through, debated and passed by a democratically elected Scottish Parliament.

Colonialism in its purest form.

Irony in its purest form.

Quote from: newfhouse
What is it about the manufactured panic that appeals to the sort of men that pretend to be saviours?

TRAs will eat your brainz if you let them. Or to put it another way, when did it become a source of pride to be apathetic about issues that affect women and girls?

Someone's manufacturing something, it's true.
Quote from: multitool to CXRAndy, 28 August
You're up early, Andy.
What happened?
Shît the bed?
Quote from: multitool to CXRAndy, today
You're up early.
Shît the bed?

Thanks for all your hard work growing the thread. Every little helps.

"We are women with vaginas we gave birth to all you fools"

Fantasy Island
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2023 »
My precious
Quote from: monkers+
The truth is that [lesbians] are in the main trans positive, encourage trans women to say they are women, and really aren't so precious about the word 'lesbian' that we feel that we have ownership - it already means any inhabitant of the island of Lesbos.

It's a very inclusive island, see. Nobody gets voted off.

He'd want you to click this

Quote from: still monkers
only 6% of lesbians have negative feelings about trans people - which seems like a good fit with my experience of the past 50 years.

My guess is that monkers' experience of lesbianism is writing Wonder Woman fanfiction.*

you are looking for fresh avenues of personal attack

There's nothing wrong with Wonder Woman fanfiction.

Being able to complain to AuroraSaab about personal attacks with a straight face is a real talent.

Quote from: Bromptonaut
you're usually onto any post in this thread like a rat up a drainpipe.

Quote from: multitool
The ugly truth about you, and people of your mentality, is that if you'd have been around in 1930s Germany you would have been out last night smashing windows of jewish-owned businesses because you lapped up the hate-mongering propaganda about that minority group too.

Trans rights activists seek to make the discussion so ugly as to repel most from taking part. These people don't win unless you're cowed into silence or agreement. They aren't interested in healthy debate.

Compare this thread to the earlier one referenced upthread and see if you can spot the difference.

No monkers/tool (or Nazis). This is about as bad as it got, and to be fair, "something out of the Rocky Horror Picture Show" says more about Deleted member 28's lack of taste than anything.


Quote from: classic33
Now if only you could accept a trans woman or trans man for what they are. Not what you feel they should be like.

Take heart. Auntie is on your side.

* Thelma Does Themyscira. That one's on the house.

If I’m wrong, which is theoretically possible, I hereby consent to being waterboarded by Stonewall as my fingernails are pulled out to just the right length by a PinkNews intern. Seems proportionate.

« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2023 »
Twitter under Musk dot dot dot dot
Quote from: CXRAndy
Quote from: albion
Alternate facts is not free speech. It is fraud.

if you don't do your own research who is to blame
dot dot dot dot?
Fab Foodie continues to be afflicted by Trailing Off Ellipses Disease, thought to be incurable.

The next General Election....

(Please don't disappear and make me look for another video. With very few views and only three months old, I have my concerns.)

« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2023 »
Why can’t people accept that some trans women are just conmen?
Quote from: sylviasmushrooms
I’m going to slightly go against the grain here and point out that most of us didn’t peak in a day. If you comb back years and years to my very first post on Ovarit, I got it off my chest that I had some doubt about the whole trans thing while still having this idea in my head that “true trans” was a thing, and that there were appropriate diagnostic criteria that validated the identities of some trans ID people.

I’ve read many pieces by Suzanne Moore. I think the headline is a savvy way to invite the reader (who is on and probably not deep down the rabbit hole) to consider the absurdity of “real” vs “conman” when there is no meaningful difference between the two. It’s tempting to want to peak people with a lot of strong-arms and shock and outrage when you’ve seen the end of the path, but peaking is very uncomfortable and most people resist it at first because they’re worried that it makes them hateful (and PLENTY of handmaids and TRAs are eager to affirm this.) I’m extremely TERFy these days and when my husband asked me the other day, earnestly, if I think there is “room in the world for trans people” (vetting me for genocidal thoughts, I suppose), I shrugged and said, “sure, as much as there is for Christians, I guess, but I don’t want to be in either of their prayer or pronoun circles.” A couple of years ago that question would have cowed me into submission just to avoid falling into a trap.

Now I’ve had enough exposure to it that I know how to discuss it without sounding like I’m afraid of the Mad Tranner pumping gas under my bedroom door so he can come in, twirling his mustache, to assault me in the dead of night (which is, unfortunately, how it would sound to a normie who thinks that TIMs are just mixed-up supergays who live a life of outward ridicule and inner torture, and not mostly narcissistic angry men bent on controlling their opposition through fear.)

We know. Suzanne Moore knows. Bringing the water to a boil is a subtle skill and judging by the comments she’s doing a great job.

Gender Actually
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2023 »
Quote from: AuroraSaab
Good job this is a single-figure-posters bike forum

where all these fibs go unnoticed.

Quote from: AuroraSaab to monkers
K Stock, actual woman, actual lesbian, does seem to rile you more than most.

I'm using a dodgy free streaming platform for these screenshots. It keeps kicking me out,

possibly because I keep pausing rather than watching the film in one smooth go, delicious torture though that would be. I've taken to clicking all over the place, trusting in fate to land on something I can use.

Wonder what her gender identity is.

Quote from: monkers
I also am an actual woman and actual lesbian

Quote from: monkers to CXRAndy
Silliness that's all you've got isn't it.

Quote from: CXRAndy to monkers
I'm beginning to doubts of your identity and orientation

Quote from: monkers to CXRAndy & AS
Now you both are undone, exposed and pathetic

Quote from: monkers
You are exposed as a pair of frauds.

Quote from: monkers
incidentally I've found out that Stock was removed from Medium for breaching their community standards.

Quote from: monkers
moral panic

Quote from: AuroraSaab
You're on ignore, Classic

Quote from: classic33 to AS
As for blatant lie telling you're ahead of anyone else on this thread, in that respect. Youve tried deception, misrepresentation and simply outright lying.

Quote from: classic33
[Is careful to use 'she' when referring to Barbie Khardashian]
COMMUNITY NOTE: classic33 is an idiot. Fortunately this is not incurable.

Gender Actually
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2023 »
The sequel. I'm tempted to pay for the film so I can do this properly.

No not really, amusing as it would be to use as a template for all posts on the run up to Christmas.

And it's far from over. I'm liveblogging this, on the edge of my seat:

Quote from: monkers
I am unwell at the moment. My niece is here to be with me. I've had enough of you idiots. Further replies are from her in my name.
Quote from: bobzmyunkle
Quote from: newfhouse
This is silly.

Not as silly as this. Which is both silly and sinister. And definitely not posted by @monkers obviously.

Quote from: 'niece' of monkers
Mr Cowden.

You have had sight of the original document received by my aunt. You have had sight of an image of a very similar document posted by AS, different only in the references to the dates. You have seen a reference made by JK Rowling on her Twitter account. Do you dispute these as material facts?

I understand that your professional work is along the lines of a patient data manager for the NHS? If this is so, then I should not be in the position of having to remind you that sovereign law prevents the publication of private data by those with a professional capacity. Also that doxxing is very bad form.

Please can you kindly explain the reason for your contributions that could be argued as incitement to commit an offence? I feel quite certain that your ultimate employer, the NHS, would be concerned to see you acting in this manner.

Threats are part of the TRA toolkit. Normally this is the first step in getting a thread locked or deleted. Be interesting to see if it goes any further in an unmoderated space which nevertheless has an owner.

Quote from: still with the 'niece'
For any those who care for monkers here, I am letting you know that I am now very concerned for her health. I'm taking her to hospital.
Quote from: CXRAndy
My my all melting now

Quote from: AndyRM to t'other Andy

Quote from: ‘niece'
[Long, detailed post, followed by one which involved some digging]

First class multitasking, what with getting auntie to A&E.

Quote from: CXRAndy
This is getting really confusing,
Are we speaking to ghostly relatives whilst emergency Medical attention is being administered or was it a falsey alarm
Quote from: icowden
My impression is that we have been speaking to @monkers niece and that @monkers is unwell. I don't think we need this discussion to continue for the time being. Discussion should be fun and stimulating and this is just getting concerning.

Quote from: icowden
remember that this is only a discussion forum for bored cycling people.

Here for the yuks

Quote from: newfhouse
Quote from: 'niece'
I will update you with regards to Monica.

Please give her my best wishes for a swift recovery.

Quote from: 'niece'
Thank you also to @AndyRM [aka little drummer boy - Ed.] who I know has been in contact with Monica privately beforehand concerning her health.

The touching credulousness of some is not surprising, given the other things they believe.

I get it now. This is all as real as professional wrestling.

Sunk cost fallacy innit.

Anyway, today’s great excitement was over not terribly long after it began.

Back to the grind of AS replying to classic33, off ignore as and when.

Gender Actually
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2023 »
A new chapter

Quote from: N
Monica clearly unwell.
I beg your forgiveness for an indulgence...

Will monkers perish from this earth,

Aunty's cherished CycleChat account to be passed down like a family heirloom? Stay tuned.

Only one thing is certain: it would take a real meanie to kick a gal when she's down.

I'm reminded of a series that was popular back when I worked in bookshops.

That'd be the one on the left. Choose your own spoiler:

spoiler #1
Killing off poorly Monica would be bold! And what wordsmith wouldn't relish the challenge of a new beginning, with the luxury of a backstory to build on?
spoiler #2
It makes more sense to keep M around: double the characters to do battle against the forces of evil. Plus people might want to go to the funeral [call that foreshadowing], which could get awkward.
spoiler #3
Quote from: N

Is it possible moNkers belongs to the same book club as another prolific writer and cycling forum user? Truth and fiction are equally strange.

Gender Actually
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2023 »
The story continues
Trigger warning

Quote from: monkers (N)
I've been with Monica today. It's likely that she'll be home tomorrow afternoon. I think she'll be in a fit state to chat after a couple more days of rest.

Grand! Meanwhile N has been keeping an eye on Aunty's thread as a good niece should. Either that or every time I checked and saw 'monkers' online, at least one unecumbered frail finger was operational.

Just enough life force to activate the touchscreen and eke out likes

Quote from: N
This is my little story. It deserves no reply.

It took a day and a half for that bait to be snapped up.

Quote from: icowden
Thank you for sharing your story. It takes some courage [my link - Ed.] even to share it with a bunch of anonymous cyclists in a tiny offshoot forum.

To celebrate I've decided to put myself through the horror of actually watching the whole movie after all (which to be blushingly honest I've done on more than a few occasions these past 20 years) – perhaps a little every day there's action.

The filmmaker couldn't have known how distressing this opening scene might be to the next generation.

Gender Actually
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2023 »
Quote from: monkerself
OK you lot. I'm back.

It almost feels like you never left.

I see the thread took some unexpected turns.

We'll come back to that. First, a link to the scathing and funny Jezebel review of Love Actually posted 10 years ago. In the same spirit as that was written, fuck you, Jezebel. And not because I used to love airports.

Quote from: new Editor-in-Chief of Jezebel
…an overall immunity to bullshit...


Next a technical note. Knock wood,

(Trust me, this was the perfect video placement, but the campaign by YouTube to wreak havoc in my posts continues unabated)

switching to a different browser on a less ancient computer has improved my viewing experience for some reason. (No, I didn’t buy a new computer just for this. Probably.) I can now pause on the dodgy streaming platform all I like without getting kicked out! [This does not constitute an admission of guilt, officer.]

Now then:
Quote from: monkers
unexpected turns.

Tired of the same old same old. I get it.

Being as N has told you perhaps more than I would have done about us, I'll just say after some tests, I have one condition diagnostic opinion now mostly confirmed.

That would be mythomania.

I have two other conditions suspected which require more appointments with more specialists.

Autogynephilia and a particularly challenging case of Munchausen by proxy?

Back into hospital in another two weeks. Happy days.

Unusual of N to talk about herself like that, I don't know what came over her. I'm under orders to rest, so laters. xx


(Yes, I know.)

Until we meet again,

Gender Actually
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2023 »

Quote from: BBC
Curtis has also called himself "unobservant" for including fat-shaming jokes that "aren't any longer funny", and said he had "let himself down" by cutting an LGBT storyline in the final edit.

It was a L storyline, but these days lesbian seems to be the hardest word. At least the gender nonconforming Ken dolls made the cut. I'll be sure to get a screenshot.

Thanks to CXRAndy, today was mostly about pronouns: reason #n+1 why the T doesn't have any business being with the LGB.

Quote from: the other Andy
If someone asks you to use a specific pronoun, just do it.

Authoritarian says what?

Quote from: AndyRM
it's really not that difficult

If you've trained yourself to distrust your brain and sensory organs on demand, and you don't appear to have thought about this 'simple politeness' in any depth at all, perhaps not.

Quote from: AndyRM
Preferred pronouns aren't a right, but using them isn't difficult

So I've heard.

or somehow impinging on anyone's. But, for me, if someone has asked you to use a specific pronoun, and you don't? That's not cool.

You know what's not cool? Asking people to play make-believe past the age of 5, or whenever it is kids are usually told the truth about Santa.

One more please! You'll see why.

As it happens I was missexed just yesterday on a ride as I approached a small group of pedestrians on a narrow lane: "There's a woman coming," one of them said. Happens sometimes when my hair gets long (seriously, I can tell a male from a female cyclist from a fair distance in either direction, no matter the hairstyle). God knows they always correct themselves when proximity forces a reappraisal. Once upon a time in a military club I was even asked to dance after a tap on the shoulder from behind by somebody wholly unprepared for the face that greeted him. Wonder how long it took him to live that one down…

Yes, I realise I’m not dysphoric and therefore don’t find this stuff insanely triggering. There’s still no excuse to rearrange society around your illness.

Quote from: Bromptonaut
Pronouns on badges, email signatures etc even where everybody uses their 'normal'/birth pronouns is to normalise the practice. We're encouraged, but not instructed, to do it where I work

Quote from: icowden
But don't make a point of insisting that everyone puts their pronouns on their badge when for 99% (or even 100%) it's completely pointless.

Sorry, don’t know how that slide got in.

Quote from: newfhouse
Quote from: Bromptonaut
Quote from: icowden

These words have different meanings.

Has newfhouse ever been in the world of work?

Quote from: Bromptonaut
It's not difficult and, as of now, nobody has to.

The more one is told it's not difficult, the more one is persuaded it is. Depending on the level of encouragement it may be easier to give in than to stand your perfectly solid ground.

"As of now" isn't sinister at all, and is just the sort of thing to get us refuseniks on board.

Quote from: monkers
Maybe we should stop wasting time shaking hands when we meet others, but start displaying our genitals instead, or sniff them like farm animals?

Almost forgot about monkers+N, who was doubtless invigorated by the social intercourse.