#12,008I did say I would take the piss long while back, because that's how I see the situation, it's comedic.
This list isn't exhaustive, though it may appear so. Needless to say there's guesswork involved.
You see you've got your CXRAndys, of which there are a fair number, or would be if they ever start paying attention. Most don't because it doesn't affect them, which is the main reason men don't worry about mundane things such as who's in their toilet or changing room or prison cell or wherever.
Tragicomic, actually.Then you've got your AndyRMs, who pay attention only insofar as they've latched onto the movement to help them explain some
'queer' and/or
'creative' aspect of themselves.
Your Winjims, who left the thread of our discontent in multiple huffs quite awhile ago because a person they care deeply about is trans, or they're trans themselves, but newstyle Most Oppressed Ever rather than oldstyle like Debbie Hayton.
"It's fuck off o'clock already?"Your OPs who largely take a Butlerian view of gender or sex or whatever and run harrumphing away from the far more humane and sensible (and intelligible) JK Rowlings (if only she were plural).
Your Reasonable Men like icowden.
"Give me a sock and I'll find the truth, or maybe I'll find other socks"Your also decent blokes like Rusty Nails, who doesn't want to stir up trouble because he's a Reasonable Man too, damnit, but is rather tired of the whole thing and in the end just wants a comfortable life.
(That's not a video of a dog fetching slippers. I had one job, damnit.)Your occupationally
Stonewalled, like the fragrant Bromptonaut.
Your olde worlde misogynists, like Ian.
handmaidens, or at the very least
informationally challenged (two links!) users like Julia, who is well within her rights to choose the wrong side; it's a free country.
It's funny 'cause Atwood.Your WTFs? like classic
3345. I apologise for the image you are about to see, but that doesn't stop it from being LOL either.
Your psychopaths like multitool,
opportunists moving heaven and earth to bend reality around the new protected class of women; expounders of flawed premises building on themselves to produce the essence of pure wrong. (What do you want to bet he
steals that line.)
For avoidance of doubt <sigh> I grabbed it from him. The accidental display of self-knowledge was irresistible.
Privately amused by a validated news source he's just parsed on Twitter.And finally your mo
You're welcome.