Author Topic: NACA: not just for Xmas

NACA: not just for Xmas
« on: January 01, 2024 »
[Currently locked in embarrassment for not having thought of this for that link]

The staff of NACF wish you a happy and productive new year, and thank you for the memories of last year. Who can forget:

- Ludic's journey to Ludovic?
- The many avatars of the new Colossus?
- The jubilee declared after the ding dong death of a warlock?
- A touch of the Irish?
- Deleted member 28?
- The 10,432 gender posts 2023 brought us?
- Rusty's hedgehog flavoured crisps and mudsticks's radicchio?

And so much more.

The NACA Music, Art & General Creativity Thread
Nice to put a face to the name, AndyRM.

I'd like to say this collage, 'Et tu, radicchio?',* is a work in progress, as it would be great to include a lot more NACAns in a way that is artistically pleasing, but there comes a point when you have to step back and say: "Yeah, it's done."

*The title in the auction catalogue, 'Smell my radiccio', is a printing error.

We anticipate great and terrible things ahead.

O horror, horror, horror! Tongue nor heart cannot conceive nor name thee!

On a personal note: as well as being unable to post in the promised land, I cannot travel abroad, and am missing one of the failed states of my homeland terribly. If someone could bump 'I'm American. Ask me anything' back at the mothership it would really cheer me up – there are others with the blood of liberty who can field any questions.

If you should ever be in Far East Sussex and like a tour of the hills, get in touch. Send smoke signals or something.

Drone footage from my first ride of 2024. That's the Brightling Needle (one of Mad Jack's follies) almost out of shot.

The think of it
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2024 »
Quote from: The Crofted Crest
Isn't reading NACA an act of self-sacrifice in itself (if not self-harm) and isn't your posting on it a charitable deed?

On the ninth day of Christmas (got a late start),
NACA gave to me
a job as their secretary.

I don't think they're likely to see this without a little help. I made a post across the road at YACF, addressed to dual citizens, but it was quickly removed by a dour agent of the state.

NACA days
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2024 »
On the tenth day of Christmas,
NACA gave to me

dildo comedy
and a job as their secretary.

The NACA Music, Art & General Creativity Thread
Quote from: C R
Quote from: qigong chimp
[The Game of Thrones TV show - Ed.] Peter Stringfellow's 'Lord of the Rings', as someone astutely observed.

Is that the one with Dildo Baggins?

Quote from: winjim
Awful books and quite frankly despite Neil Gaiman's protestations I think GRRM does owe me my money back.

I tried one and bailed early.

I honestly think it's time for GRRM to say 'I had a crack at it but it seems this writing lark isn't for me...

GRRM's bibliography.

He'll keep writing long after he's dead.

by the last season of the TV show I didn't care what happened, I just wanted it to end and I'd spent far too long of my life watching it to back out, so I had to see it through.

The televised entertainment was exceedingly well done, whatever one thinks of the preponderance of NAKED BODIES WITH VAGINAS on display. Peter Dinklage alone was a revelation.

I could have sworn Ralphie belted out you-know-what at some point, but it looks like he didn't. (Apologies if you were expecting a clip of the wee Lannister. He would've made a great addition to the Jersey crew.)

« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2024 »
On the eleventh day of Christmas,
NACA gave to me

a man-eating plant
moth-eaten Kant

and a job as their secretary.

Quote from: AndyRM
Quote from: theclaud
we've had a New Year greeting (of sorts!) from over the road.

I read bits and pieces of that site occasionally. It's seriously unhinged.

How delightful to have an occasional reader. Perhaps I can add that to the blurbs for my autobiography.

A bit of advice, Andy: never admit you've read something if your purpose is to put it down, because all the author will hear is that you've read it. In any event, your admission rings false. I'm guessing you made it to add a small amount of weight to your critique.

Mr Celine: Don't you own a pillow?

AndyRM: You've lost me with the pillow thing.

Mr Celine: Death notices from the future for the NACA regulars. You're due to die in a pillow fight.

AndyRM: Ah, yes, I'd forgotten about that! Thank you for the reminder of my unfortunate and somewhat embarrassing method of exodus from the mortal coil.

Dying in a pillow fight isn't the sort of thing one forgets, or fails to mention in the first place – especially someone so talkative and easily triggered. I had the intern run a search on pillow, and other than a post on a thread about a floating prison luxury migrant liner, this is all that came up:

Bromptonaut: @AndyRM & @jowwy Any chance of you two getting a room :-)

jowwy: Id rather fark the pillow

AndyRM: I can't imagine anything much worse.

No sex before a fight is something I think we all learned from Rocky.

My point being, case closed.

Quote from: Mr Celine
having spent the last half an hour over there I agree with you on the seriously unhinged.

I'd better address these unhinged rumours before they get out of hand. Unfortunately no clue has been provided other than a mysterious half hour spent in the stacks of this many-layered site. The case of Mr Celine remains open.

Available as a boxed set:

"Doesn't include an entry on hinges." (Rabbits work by hopping, btw.)

I work by quoting:
Quote from: one reviewer
a deft, playful, and reflective intertextualist

Quote from: Fab Foodie

The judges are happy to accept the W word from those who kant quite wrap their mind around NACF. As for those crumbs...

I've grown oddly fascinated by F.. F…..'s continuing inability to post anything without trailing ellipses. Am I the only one who sees it? Is he doing it to provoke me and me alone? Am I going mad?

RU not entertained? Never mind; if it was likes I was after I'd still be on CC, eating comfort food with a band of regulars rather than living out here on the fringe.

Quote from: Fab Foodie
Quote from: Adam4868
But to be honest I like anything bitter !

It's why NACA is the place for you....

Quote from: mültitool, sooner or later
Kant is a cünt.

Quote from: Immanuel Kant
It is the Land of Truth (enchanted name!), surrounded by a wide and stormy ocean, the true home of illusion, where many a fog bank and ice, that soon melts away, tempt us to believe in new lands, while constantly deceiving the adventurous mariner with vain hopes, and involving him in adventures which he can never leave, yet never bring to an end.

Can we tighten it up, Manny?
Our age is the age of criticism, to which everything must be subjected.

I love this version, even the fact Sam is dressed like a witch auditioning for Game of Thrones, but she starts off jumping to the wrong rhythm.

"I'm up here"

« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2024 »
On the last day of Christmas,
NACA took from me

T - I - M - E
now the song is done
its raison d'etre was fun

if you should wonder why
I hover
like a fly

I like the buzz of you
landing on something new*

keep posting till you're dead
reheat tweets – keep us fed!

words wriggle free you see
heedless of prosody,
not always expertly

NACA has been a hook
one chapter of my book

reason is yours to rhyme
out of screenshots, out of time.

* Especially when swatting is due, it's true

Belatedly –
If NACA (formerly SC&P, now technically NCAP) is new to you
you might want to click here too

Note to the colour blind:
a good link can be hard to find
for this post I've underlined

Raison d'etre is French for "eat a raisin". This is an idiom which roughly translates to "reason for being", though depending on context, it can also mean "pretentious".