Headed out of shot, as you can see. So many photo ops so little time. Still not sure where I'm going to,
but that's OK. Nobody does. Not really.
In related news, big bunny #1 (designated by size, not importance) spent yesterday frantically trying to get big bunny #2 seen by a private gastroenterologist pronto. He may have been alarmed by her new difficulty drinking any measure larger than a sip at a time, to add to the fact she's slowly starving to death. (Not to be dramatic or anything. What would you call it when you're continually unable to consume enough to stay at the same weight?) Also in the mix was the rather incredible way her NHS consultant had just treated her, assuming talking over her and not listening to what she said counts as incredible. Confidence was at 0 that he would be escorting her down the road to wellville.
I lost track of the number of calls made. Just as he was
really getting into the swing of things, the secretary to what turned out to be a well known (except to him) specialist said a slot was available for a zoom consult that very afternoon. Hallelujah!
Cue a bit of fiddling with rarely used video capabilities.

For the first time since this nightmare began unfolding, hope is in the air.