Happy anniversary, multitool. Remember me from Cycling UK?
Sussex Cyclist's trolling of the forumThe banned runs a whole website where the banned names and criticises people on other fora who have objected to his repeated attempts to stir up hatred. The banned is busy over there now whining that this forum (and others) have denied him free speech and unfairly banned him. There is no right of reply on his website, so therefore it should be posted here.
His intention is to draw more people into his 'debate' in the hope that they become radicalised in the way he has. This is why he has been posting the same content across several hobbyist fora. Naturally, he doesn't realise he has become radicalised (they never do) but one glance at his monobore obsession and it is clear that he has lost his mind. It is very far from the parameters of normal behaviour, and ultimately the best thing for everybody, including him, is to ignore him.
If the same identical post is being made on at least 3 fora, and a perusal of author's own website shows that it is a particular obsession of his and that he doesn't want to "promote discussion" but has a very specified direction in which he intends that "discussion" to take then its actually something worse than trolling. It's something verging on pathological.
Various moderators have been ridiculed and vilified on Sussex Cyclist's website. They have no right of reply there. So, claims of bullying are, at best, ironic.
This is the key part of the OP. SC has also been posting links to various fora on Mumsnet in an attempt to cause a pile on. I think SC's behaviour is exceptionally underhand and unpleasant and this OP is entirely justified.
And that's my last word.
How time flies. At the end of last year CUK let me go when I had the temerity to start a gender critical thread then defend myself against accusations of
trolling* by Vorpal & co. This isn't
a rehash, but a spotlight on you as a reward for getting in on the action just in time for me to be unable to reply.
You've since been a busy boy at CycleChat's politics forum, with over 4000 posts to your name after
barely pausing for breath on the main site. You've taken a particularly keen interest in...
let's see... gender, posting over a thousand times on that apologetic thread alone.
There is no rule that one must be a cyclist eager to discuss cycling to join a cycling forum (let the record show one of those posts was indeed about Emily Bridges), but it may be surmised that all this points to someone chiefly interested in the blood sport of politics, which gender issues are guts deep in.
You have cultivated a reputation as someone unafraid, in fact duty bound, to attack anybody who shows the slightest deviation of empathy with your worldview. This has made you a person of interest to me, NACA's unofficial secretary,† because let's face it, nice guys finish last in column inches.
Even when you contribute
something decent,‡ it's only notable as a sad reminder of what you're capable of when you're not in
stabby mode.
boingYou're one of those people who make it difficult if not impossible to play the ball not the man, as your
intelligence takes a back seat to the demons of your nature (the jury being out as to whether you have any better angels). Whatever it is you're playing at, in addition to propagandizing for
The Right Side of History, you've clearly taken Gore Vidal's maxim to heart: "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose."
In closing, allow me to draw your attention to the REPLY button
(there's another one at the bottom of the page)available to guests, though it may not be visible to cowards.
*Judge my overall contribution to Cycling UK for yourselves, jury of my peers, as against multitool's short career. Ditto CycleChat.
†And captain of the USS Callister.
‡I've never been afraid to give credit where it's due (scroll down). Funnily enough, either of us could have written that – or this. As conduct unbecoming a forum member is something that inspires us both, I look forward to the 'tool takedown of moNkers (been there, done that).

"Any means to an end?" "Great minds think alike."