The other day, coming out of Waitrose (they carry the best herbs for our rabbit*), I saw the woman who sells The Big Issue. For the first time, I approached her. Asked if there was any food she liked. She said "Maybe a salmon and cheese sandwich." So I turned around and headed to the sandwiches.
£4.50, which is more than I'd ever pay for one for myself, and my shopping had just been replete with sale items (something about cold hard reality and the state of our finances).
This of course presented an awkward dilemma: buy her that sandwich, or walk out empty handed?
I walked out empty handed. Went back to her and apologised, saying it was a bit too much for me (probably not something she hears often from Waitrose shoppers in this neck of the woods. Actually, Co-op can be just as pricey.) Fortunately she didn't take it too hard, saying he hadn't known. It might be churlish of me to wonder about that; and I'm honestly not blaming her. But an egg & cress sandwich might have been a better ask.
*I'm aware how unintentionally hilarious that sounds.