Author Topic: 20 Questions with Ian


20 Questions with Ian
« Reply #60 on: September 20, 2024 »
Stop buying stuff.

I have been known to clean out the shelves when these go on sale:

Fork on the wrong side – a hanging offence?

Time for your last meal. What will it be? (Aside from the souls of the damned.)


  • alter ego
Re: 20 Questions with Ian
« Reply #61 on: September 20, 2024 »
The souls of the damned do lack in several essential micronutrients. They're also quite tasty. Sin tastes like fried chicken.

On the subject of Pot Noodles, today I discovered from a colleague that donor kebab-flavour is a thing. I did once create a cheesy curry pot noodle here. Bliss.

I haven't had a doner kebab (more aptly called donor kebab in some parts of the US) since my student years, I remember my flatmate once put his hand deep into his trenchcoat pocket and emitted a strangled eek noise before recovering a chilli sauce flavoured hand. Last weekend's kebab had been sojourning in that pocket.

Last meal is a tough one, I'm quite boring when it comes to food having grown up in a household that considered pasta excessively exotic. I was about twenty-two when I discovered that olive oil had uses other than removing ear wax. I'm quite sure I didn't eat any of that otherworldly spiced cuisine until I was in my twenties. I'd never been to a restaurant other than Wimpy, which is a stretch, and only then once a year as a treat during Christmas shopping. I have eaten posher since then, having spent a while travelling the world living on expense accounts, with menus stretching from Michelin in Chicago to mystery meats in Addis Ababa.

I think I'd settle for a good curry, the full works, from popadom to naan.


20 Questions with Ian
« Reply #62 on: September 27, 2024 »
Are you handy around the house?


  • alter ego
Re: 20 Questions with Ian
« Reply #63 on: September 29, 2024 »
In a word, no.

In two words: no and no.

My father would often knock holes in things with great confidence, if perhaps not an entirely defined purpose. It did leave a childhood filled with mysterious holes, unfinished and ill-defined projects and things my mother told me I really shouldn’t slam. Little of this skill, such as it was, rubbed off on me. We did have a big encyclopaedia of DIY that made it look pictorially easy. I used to peruse this and imagine myself the sort of adult who could, given a hammer and free afternoon, erect a small house. There was no reason I couldn’t do those things the pictures promised. Other than competence. I learned this later. Maybe I should have shaken that encyclopaedia in case that had come free with the purchase.

As a man, marinated in overconfidence and seasoned with unrealistic swagger, and sense that no clear limitation should stop me, I have over the years accumulated a box of random power tools and a knowledge of YouTube tutorials. All men, I feel, are destined to do this out of some genetic obligation. In our first house, I did occasionally try to do things that caused my wife to look on with a growing concern that would slowly shade into horror as she totted up how much it would cost to undo and strategised how to explain this to me without cracking my fragile male ego like an egg dropped from a tower block roof.

My last venture was an attempt to put up a curtain pole. I did make a proper effort, measuring and marking and assuring my wife that no, it wouldn’t be better paying someone to do this. It was almost like she knew something I didn’t, or perhaps had gained the power of foresight. Up the step ladder and brandishing a drill, the first hole went in true. A correctly sized wall-plug slotted in. A sense of pride inflated inside. I got this man business sorted, and it had only taken thirty-five or so years. I moved to the other side of the widow and in the drill went. Hitting some hidden obstruction in the wall – which, to this day, remains a terrible unfairness – the drill went on adventure, taking me with it, the ladder tumbling. I ended up on the carpeted floor regarding the gouge I’d made down the entire wall, which then required replastering and repainting. There was no such salvation for my ego. Even the kittens looked on with disdain.

I wasn’t asked to do participate in the restitution. A marital reckoning was made. I don’t know where my tools are, I believe my wife has hidden them at the back of the garage, where they are – to this day – guarded by a hoard of venomous spiders she bought specifically for this purpose.

I occasionally put silicone sealant on things. It’s a half-hearted affair, I’ll admit. A pathetic plea that I can still do this. Sometimes they even need silicone sealant applying. I got it in my hair once which was a double feat as I have little hair and it doesn’t come out voluntarily so I had less hair afterwards.

The corollary is that we have an ‘handyman’ who does the man-things I’ve clearly been judged incapable of. Honestly, it’s a relief.


20 Questions with Ian
« Reply #64 on: October 04, 2024 »


  • alter ego
Re: 20 Questions with Ian
« Reply #65 on: October 06, 2024 »
In the Old Vic, more toilets apparently, though that’s a common refrain, given the labyrinthine insides of the more venerable London Theatre and the apparently Victorian propensity to put the literal closet in Water Closet. There has been some progress on toilets for the ladies, though to be fair, still far fewer than they need at the interval. Only the Brutalist interventions of the Barbican Centre really had that one solved (oddly not carried over to the Concrete Castles of the National Theatre and RFH). The designers really understood the interval rush or were more in touch with their female companions than the average man. My wife moves like a quarterback through the melee, solidarity of the sexes be damned. There’s a rush of the Valkyries when the lights come up. Those who don’t make it are doomed to queue cross-legged for what feels like eternity. Though when I say understand, they also put in some stairs, they also understood the need for physical exercise. You don’t get to Valhalla without putting the physical effort in.

I confess I have a soft spot for the Barbican, a council estate for people who don’t live on council estates. I love the conservatory, it has a brilliant nature-taking-over vibe, the greenery winning the battle with the concrete, a very upmarket apocalypse. I used to like getting lost there and pretending I was a in 70/80s sci-fi tv show. I think I still do.

I suppose there’s the culture battle over the loo, it certainly leads to entertaining confusion as people stumble into the demilitarised zone of gender neutrality. When pronouns fight their last, the battleground will be the performing arts. Women seem to have opinions about that. Men too, apparently, though I suspect for different reasons.

On a wider scale, I can’t pretend to know, I’ve only been married for nineteen years, so I figure my learning is a work-in-progress.


20 Questions with Ian
« Reply #66 on: October 11, 2024 »
What or who was your last disappointment?

"This question" is an acceptable answer. I can take it.


  • alter ego
Re: 20 Questions with Ian
« Reply #67 on: October 16, 2024 »
I rack up petty disappointments, I suppose. But I don't put much effort into big ones. I complained to the council about their plans to chop down a tree. They chopped it down and the chance of any meaningful response in the process. A little disappointing for me, very disappointing for the tree. I might grink them, I don't expect solace, but sometimes people benefit from knowing that someone else is watching.

Microsoft Office just informed me that this computer is officially too old for their latest pointless upgrade (though any Microsoft upgrade is guaranteed to disappoint, and that's really the minimum baseline). Actually, it needs a newer MacOS which it's too old for. That said, it claims to hail from the rear-end of 2015, so I can't be that disappointed. After my failed – and disappointing – effort to fix the Magic Keyboard that came with it, it's now paired with a c2007 wireless keyboard that lacks the magic but is, in many ways, quite pleasant to type on. My office backs up onto a c2009 Mac Mini. I'm a late adopter. I take the same policy with airplanes, the stupid 'speedy boarding' isn't for me, I get 'lazy boarding' for free. I just sit there until they are ready to close the gate and then wander over. I try to be last. I take great pride in this. Last week, I was beat by an old lady (definitely disappointing). She seemed quite pleased, so a definite lazy board and all round lo-fi ninja.

I just coughed into a can of cherry 7-Up and it came out of my nose. For several moments I experienced life from the perspective of a Soda Stream machine. I'm not sure if that was disappointing or entertaining. The cough is because I'm recovering from laryngitis. Catching that was disappointing, but I suspect a peril of workplace gathering. Hence the plane. I don't covet these experiences.


20 Questions with Ian
« Reply #68 on: October 18, 2024 »
What lies beneath?

Quote from: rogerzilla
the latest problem is appallingly slow performance caused by LLM bot scraping, meaning we had to suspend guest access, at which point page loading time dropped from 10 seconds to 0.010 seconds.

They might have sorted it by the time you see this.


  • alter ego
Re: 20 Questions with Ian
« Reply #69 on: October 22, 2024 »
I think that's up there with a pub locking their customers out to improve the wait time at the bar. Admittedly, it's a standard approach for demand management at NHS GP surgeries, so they may be on to something.

I'm not sure they'll have much new blood if the front door is flaunting a 'closed' sign. The politics board was always two posts away from a purity spiral that would have been spectacular, and honestly, I wished I had started it spinning, like a grinning tattooed carny of mayhem. They'd mostly purged the place of anyone unwilling to pledge unwavering obedience to the transgender and other causes, but they were teetering on the edge of good old-fashioned anti-semitic hoedown which might have had some potential. I suspect my departure was viewed as a flounce, but honestly, it was mostly out of boredom, even the insults were about as much fun as being locked in the kitchen with the Socialist Worker contingent at a student party, and the random deletion of posts that were inoffensive yet heretically suspect were increasingly a moderation feature. I think Orwellian gets overused, but I also suspect they mistook the message of his most famous work.

In some good news, the council did respond about the tree and fulsomely on the subject of errant woodpeckers and the damage that they do. Probably less than chainsaws admittedly, though a woodpecker with a chainsaw would be a sight to be behold, unless you're a tree.