WANTEDNew wheel
This is what a two mile walk home looks like:

Rim blew out at 4am yesterday morning as I was headed down a hill. Loudest sound I've heard in some time. I managed to hold on for dear life.
If you feel like going for a walk, I don't recommend lugging a bike laden with a heavy saddlebag on your shoulder.
FOR SALEUnboxing experience
This is what a new MacBook Air looks like:
Pic needs a spirit level - Ed.Battery on old Air ballooned. KABOOM! it didn't go, though I was tempted to jump up and down on it, if only to see how far the fabled explosion of lithium-ion batteries gone bad might propel me.
It was getting on in years and OS anyway, so...
WANTEDMore damn ports
(Sponsor spiel which starts @3.22 ends @5.35, in case you're wondering)