My first visit to the recently reopened Wellcome Galleries in the Science Museum.
Those familiar with the venue may remember the previous Medicine Galleries. Perched as an afterthought, in what felt like the museum's attic space, this was an old-fashioned place of aged wooden cabinets, which were themselves something of an exhibit. Quite magical in their own way, but hardly appealing to a diverse, modern audience. –Londonist
The old place was wonderfully atmospheric, well worth the climb. The new place is more... antiseptic. It's also very much open plan – big enough to fly a plane through, as you'll see.

The best bike for the bonk

Some assembly required

I have it on good authority the process was shortened by exactly 12 parsecs

Keep doing that and you're going to end up a bookmark

Stop looking at me

Think of a number but don't tell me what it is

Psychiatrists' sampler

Dr Frankenstein's lunch box

They wore their wellies till the end

The facts of life

Are you sure you want that second opinion?

Our lady of perpetual fire hazard

Nurse, get this man to a larger scale model room, stat

The games at the old gift shop could've been cheerier

For some reason the ad campaign for the pharmacy wasn't working

Turn your head and
<cough cough cough>
Man Flu outbreak

At least that would explain my weird cravings

Why they don't allow minors on submarines

Casting call for the Tin Man


Medical grade cappuccino maker for the canteen

There's got to be an easier way of keeping your breath minty fresh

Finding a NHS dentist bites

I don't need another sweet tooth, thanks

In case you fall off your folder

If the brain is a sex organ, this must be the G-spot

Experience gifts for Christmas have gone too far